inverses entities
inv audio(id)
inv fac(f) vol(id)
Reverses the object type audio(id).
inv fac vol
inv fac(f) vol(id)
Reverses the facets number f of volume id (all by default).
inv image
inv image
Reverses lines and columns of the current image.
inv image(id)
Reverses lines and columns of image id.
inv image(id1,id2)
Builds image id2 obtained by reversing lines and columns of de image id1.
Allows to rotate an image of PI / 2 without loss of information.
inv("x"): x symmetrical.
inv("y"): y symmetrical.
inv normal
inv normal fac(f)vol(id)
Reverses the normals to the facets f of volume id
(all by default).
inv normal vertex(s) vol(id)
Reverses the normals to the vertices s of volume id
(all by default).
inv period
inv period line(L)
Returne the frequency of signal L.
inv period scale(id)
Returne the list of each 1/25 second frequencies of scale
inv pers
inv pers(p)
Returns the 3D coordinates (in object space) of p considered as perspective projection of a 3D polygonal line.
inv pers win
inv pers win generate
inv pers win generate
Returns the 3D polygonal line P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9 with:
[P1,P4] = points whose perspective projections are
the vertices of the window.
[P5,P8] = displacement of [P1,P4] along the normal, distance d = diagonal of [P1,P4].
P9 = displacement of CG([P5,P8]) = (0,0,d).
coe(c1,c2): [P5,P8] = displacement of [P1,P4] along the normal, distance c1*d.
P9 = displacement of CG([P5,P8]) = c2*d (c2=1 default).
dila(c): [P5,P8] dilatation c.
rota(a): [P5,P8] rotates a around the normal to [P5,P8].
rotx(a): [P5,P8] rotates a around x axis, center CG([P5,P8]).
roty(a): [P5,P8] rotates a around y axis, center CG([P5,P8]).
rotz(a): [P5,P8] rotates a around axis, center CG([P5,P8]).
Should be called one time (and whenever the view is changed) before the following calls:
inv pers win(f1,f2,...)vertex(s1,s2,...)vol(id)
Gives to the vertices s1, s2, ... of volume id the points f1, f2, ...
the values of inv gen fen.
inv pers win(f1,f2,...)vertex(s1,s2,...)force(c,v)dist(d)vol(id)
Gives to the vertices s1, s2, ... of volume id forces amplitude = c*dist(si,fi).
(c=.25 by default) and viscosity v (0 default).
Maintains a distance of less than d between fi and si.
inv pers win(f1,f2,...)vol(id)
If the volume id is a grid positions its four corners to the 4 corners of the window.
inv pers win(inv pers win generate)vol(id);
inv poi
Defines an inverse kinematics on the string of n (n = 1 by default) anchored volumes ending in id
tending to bring it to the point (x, y, z) by torques proportional to the coefficient c,
d multiplied for each volume (c = 1, d = .75 by default) of reversed string.
Defines an inverse kinematics on the string of n (n = 1 by default) anchored volumes ending in id
tending to bring it to the point (x, y, z) by torques proportional to the coefficient c, multiplied by d for each volume
(c = 1, d = .75 by default) of reversed string.
Is typically called in a function interaction (2, "F2") before the dynamic.
See an example in function F2 of file demo1_inv.func.
inv traj obj
inv traj com obj(id)=v
Stops (v=0), restarts (v=1) the trajectory type com of objet id.
inv traj roty vol(1)=0;
Stops the traj roty of volume 1.
inv traj force rota vol(1)=1;
Restarts the traj force rota of volume 1.
inv vertex vol
inv vertex vol(id)
Reverses the order of the vertices of volume id.
The volume id must be isomorphic to a grid.
inv mouse
inv mouse
As inv poi point is replaced by the position of the mouse (in 2D).
inv validate
inv validate menu("M")
Reverses validation menu M.
inv validate menu("M")menu("F")
Reverses validation function F of menu M.
inv validate obj(id)
Reverses validation of object id type object.
Note: validation goes from 1 to -1 (disabled) that is displayed and no absent from the list of
ancrages, for only hide it, do:
inv(0)validate obj(id).
inv scale
inv scale(id)audio
Returns the list of each 1/25 second frequency of
scale audio id.
Returns frequency at image num.
inv speed
inv speed vol(id)
Returns the viscosity coefficient of the volume id.
inv speed vol(id)=c
Changes Returns the viscosity coefficient of the volume id.
Note: If yes dynamic is active and if volume id
is provided with a mass, force = c * speed is applied to it.
Si c < 0 that is a viscosity force (opposing the speed).
See also: