How do I debug PROGRAM written in LANGUAGE ANYFLO |
yes debug
no debug
no debug;
, followed by the continuation key and ENTER abandonnes
the debugger mode
executes until next break
STOP num
sets a break point line number num of the function
STOP "toto"
sets a break point to function toto
STOP "toto",num
stes a break point at line number num of
function toto
edit STOP
edits the STOPs
rem STOP num
deletes STOP num
rem STOP "toto"
deletes STOP "toto"
rem STOP "toto",num
deletes STOP "toto",num
ini STOP
deletes all of the STOPs
edites 20 lines after the instruction
edites line number n of function
LIST n1,n2
edites lines lignes n1 to n2 of function
LIST "toto"
edites function toto
LIST "toto",n
edites line number n of function toto
LIST "toto",n1,n2
edites lines n1 to n2 of function toto
after line i = 0; /* Break debug */
of function inita of file inita.c, then assignes 1 to variable i.