
motif (geometry and input network)

vertex      vol
See also


Given a faceted quadrilateral volume id1 and volume id2, that is displayed on every facet of volume id1, its y-axis on normal to the facet.
1) Options adjust and dila allow to adapt to the size of the facet.
2) Should the base (in the x, z plane) of the volume id2 ordinate zero for the motif "glue" to the facet.

motif adjust

motif adjust

The motif adjusts to the facets by a free form transformation bringing an orthonormal reference system on the oblique reference system of the facet.
For real time prefer motif dila.

motif dila

motif dila

The size of the motif is dependent on the radius of the facet.

motif fac

motif fac(f)vol(id)

       Returns the number of the motif associated to the facet f of volume id.

motif fac(f)vol(id)=m

       Change this number.

motif fac vol(id)=m

       Assigns the number m to all facets.
With yes motif the volume numbered m will appear on the facet f of volume id with its axis y;mapped on the normal to that facet.

motif adjust fac(f)vol(id)

       Returns the number of the motif adjusted associated to facet f of volume id.

motif adjust fac(f)vol(id)=m

       Assigns this number.

motif adjust fac vol(id)=m

       Assigns the number m to all facets.
With yes motif the volume numbered m will be displayed on facet f of volume id as motif adjust.
This transformation is not linear, all the points of the motif are geometrically transformed to real-time prefer motif dila.

motif dila fac(f)vol(id)

       Returns the number of the motif adjusted by matrix associated to facet f of volume id.

motif dila fac(f)vol(id)=m

       Assigns this number.

motif dila fac vol(id)=m

       Assigns the number m to all thr facets.
With yes motif the volume numbered m will be displayed on facet f of volume id with its axis y mapped on the normal to the facet and its size will be adapted to the facet radius.

motif law

motif law dist network(id)

Returns the motif law dist property of the neural network id (if it is of type near) measuring the degree of inconsistency in the network (relative changes differential of motifs (i,i+1) and laws (i,i+1)).

motif network

motif(n) network(id)

        Returns the input number n of neural network id.

motif(n) network(id)=valeurs

        Assigns this input.

motif(0) network(id)=valeurs

        Adds an input.
See also: network and law network
All motifs must have the same dimension.
There must be as many motifs as laws.

motif(num)propr1 propr2 ... vol(id)

Returns the motif numbered num of neural network associated to the propr1 propr2 ... property of volume id.

motif(num)propr1 propr2 ... vol(id)=expr

Assigns this motid, if num=0: adds a motif.

motif roll

motif roll network(id)=m

        Shift right motifs of network id and assigns m as first motif of the network.
Useful for networks type dynamic.

motif vertex

motif vertex(s)vol(id)

        Returns the numbers of the volumes of type motifs associated to vertex s of volume id.

motif vertex(s) vol(id)=m

        Assigns this number.
1) With yes motif active, volumes m will be positionned to vertex s of volume id with its axis y on the vertex normal.
2) All vertices by default.
3) If the volume id is a particles system its particles will be replaced by volumes m. If colors are assigned to the particles and if volume m has a color, it takes the value of the color of the particle.
motif vertex[1,4] vol(1)=-1; assigns volume numbered -1 as motif at vertices 1,2,3 and 4 of volume numbered 1.

motif vol

motif vol(id)

       Returns the number of the motif associated to volume id.

motif vol(id)=m

       Assigns this number.
1) With yes motif active,the volume numbered m will be displayed on all the facets of volume id with its axis y mapped on the facets normals.
2) To adjust the motif to the facet see motif dila and motif dila.

motif adjust vol(id)=m

       Assigns number m to all the facets.
With yes motif active, the volume numbered m will be displayed on each facet of volume id as motif adjust.
Same note than motif adjust fac vol.

motif dila vol(id)

       Returns the number of the motif adjusted by matrix associated to volume id.

motif dila vol(id)=m

       Assigns this number.
Same note than motif dila fac vol.

See also:

dim motif
light motif
yes motif
no motif