rem("define D")
Removes the global D define.
rem alias
rem alias("x")
Removes the "x=expr" alias.
rem debug
rem debug com
Removes the debug of com command.
rem debug var func
rem func
rem func "fff"
Removes the fff fonction.
rem message
rem message(id)
Removes the message id.
rem puls
Removes all timers puls.
rem message(id)
Removes timer id.
rem STOP
rem STOP "fff",num
Removes the "break point" to line num of the function fff
in debug mode.
rem type
rem type(liste de commandes)
Removes the type commands list.
rem var
rem var
Deletes all the external variables.
rem var "x,y"
Deletes the variables x and y.
rem(ind)var "x"
Removes the items numbered ind of variable x.
prints: 1,2,4,6