The basic sources are very simple examples in the folder env/basic.
Sources demos will allow understand most anyflo functions and build applications.
A good method is to start with one of the examples (in the folder env) and change gradually.
For an interactive application from one of the files:
modele_menu_simple.func: sufficient for most simple aplications.
modele_multi_menu.func: for more complex applications.
modele_sous_menu.func: For applications divided into sub-applications.
modele_network.func: framework for neural network.
Folder env/applications folder contains applications. Each of these folders xxx contains:
xxx.js: launching java script of the form:
WshShell.Run("../../../anyflo.exe uti=./ lan=\"xxx()\" x=0 y=0"); xxx.func: file whose first function is xxx().
Possibly anothers *.func.
initb.h: environment description.
xxx.htm: instructions.
Ecutable anyflo.exe in folder distribution.
The environment files are in folder distribution/env.
webcam.c: program..
WebCam.c source of a webcam driver writing in the shared memory name WEBCAM.
WebCam.js java script file launching the server.
The client is anyflo with commands described in the documentation.
Note: if the application is recompiled, do not forget to copy Debug/WebCam.exe in folder WebCam (because WebCam.js launches driver from that folder).