smooth audio
smooth(nb) audio(id))
Avoids discontinuities in object audio id type id.
dist(d,t): d = distance minimum (2 default),
t = tangent error (0.03 default).
smooth image
smooth image read number write
smooth image read("ixxxx.eei")number(nb)write("wyyyy.eew")
reads images ixxxx,xxxx+nb-1.eei in images [1,nb], then
sets fuzzy the animation of those images and write them in files wyyyy,yyyy+nb-1.eew".
eei and eew are extension image.
Usefull for correcting some parasitic images in an animation.
dim(nx,ny): for images not the same dimensions, forces them to dimension (nx,ny).
just surround the prasited image with some images (usually 2 or 3), example (if ../../bmp/A0011 is
the parasitic image):
smooth image read("../../bmp/A0008.bmp")number(7)write("../../bmp/A0008.bmp");
image(id1,id2,...)image(id0)add(c1,c2,...) does the same thing
with images in memory.
smooth line
smooth(nb) line(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,...)
Returns the line (xi,yi,zi) smoothed nb times (1 default).
dist(d,t): d =minimum diatance (0.1 default),
t = tangente error (0.1 default).
f = 1: smooth line(x1,y1, x2,y2, ...)
f = 2: smooth line(x1,x2,...)
f = 3: smooth line(x1,y1,z1, x2,y2,z2,...) default)
near(v): smoothing over v neighbors.
smooth stock
smooth stock(id)
Smoothes 3 times the stock object id points with a coefficient of 0.5.
coe(c): with coefficient de c (0.5 par défaut).
near(v): smoothing over nv neighbors (1 default).
ini: from a copy.
smooth(n): smoothes n times (3 default).
Notes corrects segments whose angle is greater than acos(coe).
smooth vol
smoothes nb times sections both x and y sections id volume by averaging method.
1) nb = 1 by default
2) k: curvature smoothing rule (0: Strong 1: middle, > 1: weak) (default 1)
See also: