object type
type dynamic
Defines a new word (internal number num) that can be assigned to the type of an
Terms of use:
1)mot must be different from a word of the language (defined in koma.h) of anyflo
(defined in komb.h), or an application (set in komc.h).
2) num is a positive integer.
3) A type may be defined implicitly in the creation of an object, for example:
If the type t does not exist, it is created (with an internal number > 0), then the object type t is created.
type com1 com2 ... comn="foo"
Définit le type de propriété multiple ´com1 com2 ... comn´ comme étant
la fonction de nom "foo"
type com1 com2 ... comn=n
Defines the type of the com1 com2 ... comn multiple property as the number n
(see function type_utilisateur() of the file utilb.c)
If an object has a property of type com1 com2 ... comn when using the function foo
is executed or the user type will be called with the parameters of this property.
type col screen vol="toto";
col screen vol(1)=0,1,0;
and given the function:
yes type;displ vol(1);
The screen will be cleared green before displaying volume 1.
interpol texture
type interpol texture vol(id)
Returns type of property interpol texture of volume id
type interpol texture vol(id)=t
Changes this parameter.
type light(id)
Returns the light id type.
type light(id)="t"
Changes this type.
"simple": default type (simple light).
"aim": spot light with aiming point (0,0,0 default).
"axis": spot light with direction (0,1,0 default).
See also:
aim light
axis light
coe light
foc light
roll light
type obj
type obj(id)
Returns the secondary type of the object id of type obj.
type obj(id)="typ"
Changes this type.
Note: typ may be a multiple type.
Example: type network(1)="near CG";
assigns to 1 the near type and sub type CG.
type brush
type brush(id)
Returns the brush id type.
type brush(id)="t"
Changes this type:
disk: brush disk of rays the
radius brush.
dynamic: secondary type of a brush of type image associated witn a
dynamic image id_im, may be modified by:
dynamic brush(id)=v with v=0 (off), v=1 (dynamic)
or defined at creation:
brush(id)dynamic image texture(id_im).
texture: brush containing an image.
texture(id_im): if the brush is dynamic, the associated image
is id_im.
The command image(id1)brush(id2)line(L) allows to fill it
with the subimage inside the line L, and the command
image(id1)brush(id2)poi(x,y)dim(nx,ny) allows to fill it
with the subimage inside the window (x,y,x+nx-1,y+ny-1) of image id1.
illum(c): c=1: full (default), c=0: wire frame.
col(r,v,b): color (r,v,b).
disk: the brush image is a disk dimensions the brush
move(xaff,yaff): the image is displayed in (xaff,yaff).
rectangle: the brush image is a rectangle dimensions
the brush rays.
smooth: smoothing.
Smooth options:
texture(id): image id (indispensable).
smooth(np): uniform smooth matrix np * np.
smooth(m_1_1,m_1_2,...,m_1_nf,...,m_nf_1,...,mnf-nf): smooth matrix, default:
0.0,-1.0, 0.0
-1.0, 5.0,-1.0
0.0,-1.0, 0.0
average: average.
Average options:
texture(id): image id (indispensable).
matrix(m_1_1,m_1_2,...,m_1_nf,...,m_nf_1,...,mnf-nf): smooth matrix, default:
precision(p): matrix de côté p et de valeurs 1/(p*p).
rectangle: rectangular brush (default) dimensions the brush
network(idr): secondary type of a brush type image associated to the neural network idr.
brush(id)image network(idr);
defines a brush id associated to the
neural network idr.
network brush(id)=idr
network(idr): computes the luminance as law of network idr.
network(idr,idv,idb): computes the compnents r,g,,b as laws of the 3 networks idr,idg,idb.
brush(1)image rectangle network(1)radius(100,50);
type network(id)
Returns the ltype of the neural network id.
type network(id)=ttt
Changes this type, ttt is:
multi layers perceptron (backpropagation error algorithm).
adaptative network
Kohonen network.
type palette
In palette mode returns the number of the current operation.
type texture
type texture(num)validate vol(id)="ttt"
same as texture(num)validate type("ttt")vol(id)
type view
type view(id)
Returns the view id type: aim or axis
type view(id)="aim"
the aim point is aim view(id).
type view(id)="axis"
the direction is axis view(id).
type view(1)="aim";aim view(1)=0,0,0;
type view(1)=""axis;axis view(1)=0,0,1;
type vol
type vol(id)
Returns the volume id type: ball, cube, lattice, geod, grid, rev, pipe, etc...
type vol(id)="type"
Changes this type.
type vol 1="grid";
makes volume 1 a grid.
type vol 1="";
makes volume 1 any.