Definition of an object type network
Builds the empty network
id type
T is:
"fac: multi layer perceptron (default).
texture: Kohonen network.
near: completely connected network.
interaction: adaptative network.
type network(id)
Returns the string type of network
type network(id)=t
Changes this type.
After changing the type it is necessary to:
generate network(id)
validate network
validate network(id)
Returns (cpt,err,stat) with:
cpt: number of passes made.
err: maximum error committed.
stat=1: when the network is adapted.
Given a “representative set of patterns”
adjust synaptic weights using a Training Set by a
learning rule.
After weights was modified by the training, evaluate them by scoring success rates on a Test Set different from
the training set.
Rosenblatt (1958) provided a learning scheme with the property that
if the patterns of the training set (i.e., a set of feature vectors, each one
classified with a 0 or 1) can be separated by some choice of weights and
threshold, then the scheme will eventually yield a satisfactory setting of the weights.
Supervised learning
Multilayer perceptron
supervised learning
(on a network type
fac, or multilayer perceptron) is given by the pairs of
Mi = input
Li = output
adaptation of the network in
nb passes is made by:
This type of network multi layered "feedforward" is trained by the
Definition of learning pairs
Creates an input motif.
Creates an output law.
All inputs must have the same dimension.
All outputs must have the same dimension.
There must be as many outputs as inputs.
Defining a training
validate(nb) network(1);
Adjusts the weights of the network (by backpropagation" of the error algorithm) in
nb passes,
and returns the number of passes made (when the network is adapted), if this number is
nb must continue learning.
validate(nb) coe(c1,c2) network(1)
Allows to vary the coefficient
eta between
c1 (the pass 1) and
c2 (at step nb),
by default 1.0, 0.01.
(adjustment of the learning constant).
validate(nb) error(eps) network(1);
Sets an error acceptable, by default eps=0.1
interaction validate(nb,1) network(1);
Allows parallel processing adaptation.
S=validate motif(M) network(id);
Returns the output
S of network
id corresponding at input
ini ini network;no edit;
/* Building the network */
/* -------------------- */
fac(0)network(1)=1,2,3; /* Input layer */
fac(0)network(1)=4,5; /* Hidden layer */
fac(0)network(1)=6,7,8; /* Output layer */
/* Definition of the weights */
/* ------------------------- */
/* Training pairs */
/* -------------- */
/* Training */
/* -------- */
$"NB = ",validate(n)network(1)error(.01);NL;
/* Using the network (verification) */
/* -------------------------------- */
$validate motif(1,2,3)network(1);NL;
$validate motif(3,2,1)network(1);NL;
res(n); adjusts the network in n passes.
for example res(300); product:
NB = 246.000000
0.102514 0.293342 0.690866
0.199652 0.308365 0.409970
The network is adjusted in 246 passes.
For an example showing the resolution of XOR see
(demo network).
Kohonen competitive training
Competitive learning for Kohonen network
type texture.
Definition of a network type texture
Defines a network with 2 layers:
Input layer with de np neurons.
Output layer with n*n neurons arranged in a square grid of n-side (constituting the Kohonen map).
Defining the properties
As above, to create motifs:
Change the weights, the transfert functions, etc ...
Defining the input motifs
motif(0) network(1)=list of values;
Adds an input.
The motifs must have the same dimension as the input layer.
Course of learning
Launching a competitive learning (in n passes) on network1 for the motifs that have been entered.
To vary the learning constant.
To specify tolerance..
Mode debuging.
interaction validate(nb,1) network(1);
Allows parallel processing adaptation.
Neurons of the Kohonen map (output layer) specialize in recognizing patterns presented at the input.
The generalization property is reflected by the fact that the network is able to recognize examples non learned.
validate motif(m)network(1);
Returns the Kohonen map, ie the list of activations of neurons in the output layer.
validate motif(m)network(1)neuronne;
Returns the number of winner neuron and its activation.
Adaptative training
The coherent flows algorithm,
assuming that the flow of actions (outputs) is coherent with the flow of perceptions (input),
is a way to train a neural network type near
with only data for the inputs (the outputs being calculated automatically).
Definition of a network type near
The set of input-output pairs {Mi,Li}0<=i<n
defines a dual flus, the entries {Mi,Li}0<=i<n
and the output {Li}i.
Only the first is given (eg from a capture) and is a working memory for the
coherence process flows
which will automatically generate the second (eg sensory stimuli sent to a muscular system by an artificial act) .
Setting Properties
To create an input layer neurons:
fac(0) network(id)=[1,ne];
To create an hidden layer of nc neurons
fac(0) network(id)=[ne+1,ne+nc];
To create an output layer of ns neurons
fac(0) network(id)=[ne+nc+1,ne+nc+ns];
To generate input patterns:
All motifs must have the same dimensions..
To generate the properties:
(neurones et matrix) du réseau:
generate network(id);
Note that all neurons are connected and that the matrix is fully modified (with the exception of the diagonal is zero) when learning.
Facets do not describe the connections (as in networks such facs).
Prior learning
nb=number of cycles, cpt for parallel processing.
err=maximum error.
c1,c2=boundaries of the learning constant
num=numéro duu réseau.
Apprentissage dynamique
m is added at the end of the circular list of motifs, the network is trained on nb tests.
1) Creation of a netwok containing de n motifs (dimension ne), the
outputs are of dimension ns.
network near(id);
fac(0)network(id)=[1,ne]; /* Input layer */
fac(0)network(id)=[ne+1,ne+ns]; /* Output layer */
generate network(num);
Dynamic training:
Motif m is stacked in the circular list of motifs,
the network is trained on nb tests. w is the output corresponding to input m.
The outputs are calculated so as to minimize the difference of changes in the inputs and outputs
(the method known as coherent flows (see also
Learning constants
Modifying the learning constants:
Learning constants can be initialized by:
meta coe network(num)=0,max_c1,c1,c1, 0,max_c2,c2,c2 with:
max_c1: maximum of c1.
c1: current value of c1.
max_c2: maximum of c2.
c2: current value of c2.
The nine fields are required.
These parameters are displayable by the command: displ network(id).
Once completed learning
S = validate motif(M) network (id)
returns the output S corresponding ti input M.
demo1_network.func function gives an example of programming a layered network
learning to recognize alphabets by supervised learning. The menu provides access to:
A network of two inputs modifiable by clicking in a coordinate (x, y coordinates of the designated point),
the matrix of the synaptic weights can be changed by clicking NOISE randomly and having hidden layers, the number may be selected on the scale hidden
Outputs are connected to the joints of a skeleton that comes to life when the inputs are changed.
The network pre-wired by the function NOISE learns nothing.
Provides access to submenu RES, choose one of the boxes ITA FLO APP:
Click on an alphabet file name *.alp.
Choose the number of hidden layers cach, the sizes nx and ny of the characters
of boolean type and their number nb.
Choose the number of hidden layers cach, the sizes nx and ny of the characters
of floattype and their number nb.
Click on a pattern (red) which is presented at the input of the network which provides an output
which is different from the input (because the matrix synaptic weights was initialized randomly), for training the network click on:
Learning: the curve of errors appears in the bottom right and the screen,
the constant learning appear at the bottom ( coe1 coe2 automatically varies).
Normally out (green) converges to the selected input. If there is no convergence can modify constants in mouse,
we canalso reset the matrix by clicking on the scale NOISE or change the number ofhidden layers (on a scale hidden ).
Change alea: the input patterns are changed randomly, the network recognizes them anyway.
Gives an example of an intelligent volume able to adapt to a changing environment.
Click on the box AUT generate command:
network axis rota vol(Num_VOL)=Num_RES_VOL;
expressing that the network Num_RES_VOL is attached to volume Num_Vol..
EXEC=compile message("traj(100)axis(0,0,1, r1, r2)vol(Num_Vol_VOL)period(-1)");
endow the axes of the volume of random paths. The role of adaptive network is then to try to stabilize the volume.
perceptron.func gives a more general example.
Réseau compétitif
kohonen.func function gives an example of programming a Kohonen network detecting patterns in a set of patterns.
kohonen_2.js launches kohonen(2): 2D set.
kohonen_3.js launches kohonen(3): 3D set.
Note:kohonen(n > 3): launches function for recognition of the audio signal sampled values of 2 ^ n.
The input layer is composed of n neurons (coordinates of a point in the set)
The output layer is a grid of 7 neurons.
Initializes a space patterns arranged randomly.
Generating another random space patterns each of which gives a winner neuron output characterized by its color:
We note that the points of the same color are grouped in the same region, indicating that the network has classified.