

displ         anc         audio         audio(id)         axis
box         ball         brush
CG         col
fac         func         force
genetic         grid
image         image bitmap
line         light
matrix         memory         mouse
network         normal         number
period         poi
segment         secx         secy         speed         sphere         stock         system
time         traj
vertex         vol
See also

All these features are illustrated in function demo1_displ.func.


        Returns the display type.


        t = 0: display off.
        t = 1: accelerated OpenGL display (default).
        t = 2: display soft (plus lent mais permettant plus d´effets). Dans ce mode l´image en mémoire numéro 0 (de dimensions dim displ) est écrite par les commandes displ .... On peut l´afficher par displ image. Les dimensions de cette image peuvent être plus grandes que celles de l´écran, ce qui permer de traiter des images en haute définition.
        t = 3: ray tracing.

displ anc

displ anc vol

Displays all vertices of the anchorage for all volumes.

displ anc vol(id)

Displays vertices of the anchorage for volume id.
dim(a1,a2): sizes of the displayed points (12,6 default).

displ audio

audio signal

displ audio

allows display certain characteristics of audio signal or of sort.
adjust: adjusts the curve to the window.
coe(c): multiplier (1 default).
col(r1,v1,b1,r2,v2,b2): curves color:
       for audio: (r1,v1,b1) ((0,1,0) default).
       for the fft: (r1,v1,b1,r2,v2,b2) ((0,1,0, 1,0,0) default).
       for envelope: r1,v1,b1=curve color, r2,v2,b2=envelope color ((0,1,0, 1,0,0) default).
dila(x): x dilatation of the signal
dynamic(n): Displays boxes around the (ai, fi) returned by audio sort dynamic.
       Options for dynamic:
              coe(c) multiplier of amplitude (default -1).
              dim(d) half width frames or rectangles (2 default).
              dynamic(n): display (for n> = 0) (fi, ai) = coordinates of the extrema of the fft, belonging to interval [min, max] [min, m0], [m0, max] (with m0 = (max + min) / 2) and so on recursively to the order n.
              frame(rc,vc,bc) frame color (yellow default).
              scale(re,ve,be): display frames, or rectangles, in (re,ve,be, grey default) color.
              rectangle(rr,vr,br): color of the rectangle (yellow default).
              sort(t): t=.5: half of the integer part, t=1: integer part, t=2: imaginary part, else all 2 parts.
envelope(p): envelope signal with precision p (6 default).
scale(r1,v1,b1,r2,v2,b2): for audio signal, the color of the scales min, max and mod, are (r1,v1,b1,r2,v2,b2) (grey defautl).
sort envelope(p): envelope fft signal withe precision p (6 default).
poi(x1,y1,x2,y2: display window (0,0,200,100 default).
rectangle(rr,vr,br): rectangle color (rr,vr,br).
sort: 2 fft components.
       sort(1): only real part.
       sort(2): only imaginary part.
var: required for displaying curves.
tran(x): x translation of the signal (0: default).
Example of use:
displ audio sort dynamic var poi(X1_ECH,y1,X2_ECH,y1+Dy3)coe(c)dynamic(dyna)tran(d)col(0,1,0, 1,0,0)rectangle(0,0,0)scale;
displ audio sort var envelope(Enveloppe_AUDI[2])coe(c)dynamic(dyna)tran(d)col(0,1,1)poi(X1_ECH,y1,X2_ECH,y1+Dy3)coe(c);

Displays 2 scales showing the audio sort dynamic var signal anf for its envelope.

display audio(id)

Displays object type audio and identifier id.
adjust: adjusting the amplitude.
coe(c1,c2): multipliers of the curve (or frequencies and the amplitudes with option stock) (-1,-1 default).
col(r,g,b): curve colour (white default).
audio(id0,id1,...)col(r0,v0,b0, r1,v1,b1, ...): coulors of curves.
dila(d): (x variations) *= d (1 default).
frame(r,g,b): frame colour (r,g,b) (white default).
inv: frequency.
inv inv: frequency of frequency.
number: every channels (default).
number(n): channel number n.
max: maximum of the sighnal each 1/25 second.
poi(x,y,dy): window (x,y,Xe2,y+dy) (Xe1,0,127 default).
audio(id0,id1,...)poi(x,y,dy,dy2): displ audio(idi)poi(x,y+i*dy2).
rectangle(r,g,b): rectangle colour (r,g,b) (black default).
sort(ad,dad): buffer[ad,end,dad].
stock: displays property stock.
in this case:
       col(r,g,b, r1,g1,b1, r2,g2,b2): (r,g,b) = curve colour, (r1,g1,b1) = frequencies colour (red default), (r2,g2,b2) = amplitudes colour (green default).
A timer (1/25 seconds) is displayed below.
tran(t): returns the x abscisse t clicked.
time: red timer (seconds) is displayed below.
time(t): greed timer (1 / t seconds) is displayed below.

Example of use
w=scale("dila;tran")poi(X1_SCA,y1,X2_SCA,y1+Dy1)coe(Dila,Tran)format(1,2)rectangle(KR)frame displ;
y1+=Dy2;displ audio(id)dila(d)tran(t);

displ axis

displ axis

        Displays the axis (O, X, Y, Z) of the eye seen Current.
axis(x1,y1,z1, x2,y2,z2, x3,y3,z3): displays axes (x1,y1,z1, x2,y2,z2, x3,y3,z3) (1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,1 default).
col(r,v,b): color (r,v,b) (white default).
dim(d): d = dimension of the axes (100 default).
name("T1 T2 T3"): displays text T1, T2 et T3 (X Y Z default) at the end of each axis.
poi(O): origin (0,0,0 default).
radius(r): displays arc of radius r and sides n (r=6, n=6 default) at the end of axes.

displ axis vol(id)

        Displays the axes related to the volume id.
Si id is absent: all volumes.
col(r,v,b):color (r,v,b) (white default).
dim(d): displays axes multiplied by d (100 default).

displ box

displ box vol(id)

        Displays the bounding boxes of volumes id.

displ box fac(f)vol(id)

        Displays the bounding boxes of facet f of volume d (all by default).

displ box grid vol(id)

        Displays the grid of the bounding boxes of facets of volume id.

displ box vertex vol(id)

        Displays the grid of the bounding boxes of vertices of volume id.

displ ball

displ ball vol(id)

       Displays the ball bounding volume id.
displ(n): with precision p (25 default).
col(r,v,b): color (r,v,b) (white default).

displ ball fac(f)vol(id)

       Displays the ball bounding of facet f (all default) of volume id.

displ image bitmap

displ image(id) bitmap

Displays any bitmap of D3 image id.
input:: type ENTER to continue:
wait(t): waits t seconds between 2 images.
read image(1)name("name.ima");displ image(1)bitmap wait(1/25);


Displays bitmap number num of image id.

displ brush(id)

Displays brush id (same as exec brush).

displ CG


displ CG(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,...)

        Displays the center of gravity of line 3D (x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,...) with the options.

displ CG fac(f) vol(id)

        Displays the center of gravity of facets f (all by default) of volume id with the options.

displ CG vol(id)

        Displays the center of gravity of volume id with the
radius(d): radius d (6 default).
cou(r,v,b): color (r,v,b) (white default).

displ illum

displ illum

        Displays a small sphere illuminated with coefficients illum and options displ.

displ col

displ col

        Displays 4 squares respectively R, G, B,RGB current couleur with options displ.

displ exec

displ exec("eee")

        Displays the text "eee" and run if clicked. Returns the coordinates of the top right corner of the text displayed (can link several successive displ exec may thus constitute a very simple menu).
col(r,g,b): text color (white default).
poi(x,y): top left corner of the window (x, y) (0.0 default).
displ("text"): "text" is displayed instead of "eee", but it is still eee is executed.
       s=0: no-blocking read on left click.
       s=1: blocking read on left click (default).
       s=2: continuous playback (without clicking).
       s=-1: still running (useful in a demo to show the code execution).
Avec les options de displ.
displ exec("exit"): quit the program.
displ exec("interaction STOP"): to return to the interpreter mode.
displ exec("cube(1)"): builds a cube.

displ fac

displ fac(f)vol(id)

        Displays fac f of volume id.
col(r,v,b): color (r,v,b) (white default).
dim(d): length d (100 default).

displ func

displ func("fff")

       Displays the text of function named "fff" with displ options, and returns the maximum y (allows to chain multiple calls by posting below in each other). If a position is not specified is displayed in the upper right of the screen.

displ func("fff")name

        Displays only the name of the function.

displ func("*")

       Displays the names of all functions and text function clicked.

displ func

        Displays the text of the current function at the top right of the screen.

displ func(num)

        Displays the text of the function num number in the upper right of the screen.
For a demo: démo:
       displ func(0)name font("ROMAN_24");
Displays the name of the first function (the one bearing the name of the demo), at the top right of the screen in large letters.

displ force

displ force vol(id)

        Shows the force vector volume id.

displ force vertex(s)vol(id)

        Displays forces at vertex s volume id, all if s is absent. tous si s est absent.
force(d,e): d=multiplier (1 default), e=thickness (1 default).
col(r,v,b): color (white default).

displ genetic

displ genetic(id)

displ genetic(num)
       Displays genetic id.
average: displays the average of evaluations by colored frames 1.0-(rc1,vc1,bc1).
coe(c): evaluations are multiplied by c (1.0 default).
frame(rr1,vr1,br1, rr2,vr2,br2): evaluations are represented by colored frames (rc1,vc1,bc1) background (rr2,vr2,br2).
format: displays genomes to on several lines if too large.
max: limits the display of genome to segment [x1, x2].
particle: displays particles.
poi(x1,y1,x2,y2): in the window (x1,y1,x2,y2) (0,0,200,D_Fonte_y default).
rectangle(rr1,vr1,br1, rr2,vr2,br2): evaluations are represented by colored rectangles (rc1,vc1,bc1) background (rr2,vr2,br2).
text(rt,vt,bt): words (individuals in the population) are shown in color (rt, vt, bt) (white by default).

displ grid

displ grid secx(nx)secy(ny)

       Displays boxes of the grid (columns nx and lines ny) in the window (0,0,100,100).
dim(w): width of the segments (1 default).
displ(0): does not display the grid.
mouse: returns the index of the clicked pixel in the grid.
       m=0: returns the coordinates of the clicked box case (continuously) in the grid (origine is left bottom corner).
poi(x1,y1,x2,y2): window.
secx(nx)secy(ny): number of the boxes (1,1 default).

displ grid(buf) poi(x1,y1,x2,y2)dim(nx,ny)

        Displays the buffer buf luminance in the window (x1,y1,x2,y2)(0,0,100,100) by default, and displays a grid of size nx = ny = sqrt (dim (buf)).
col(r,v,b): color (r,v,b) (white default).
dim(nx,ny): grid dimensions nx * ny (must dim (buf) = nx * ny).
displ(0): does not display the grid but only luminance boxes.
       m=0: (default) returns the coordinates of the continuous clicked box in the grid (origin at the lower left).
       m=1: returns the coordinates of the clicked box in the grid.

displ image


displ image

        Displays the 0 image if it has been saved by generate image with options.

displ image(id)

        Displays image id in the lower left corner.
by default validate image(id)=0, it is necessary to make validate image(id)=1; to make it visible.
abs: displays image id even if validate image(id) == 0.
adjust: with options image(id1,id2,...) poi(x1,y1,x2,y2) fits images sizes to window (x1,y1,x2,y2).
bitmap: with option poi(x1,y1,x2,y2) displays the bitmaps of image id in window (x1,y1,x2,y2) (cant be used in interaction mode).
bitmap(num,nb): displays the bitmaps number [num,num+nb-1] (default num=0, nb=bitmaps number).
center: in the center of the screen.
col(r,v,b): multiplying the color by (r,v,b).
dim(dx,dy): by resizing to dx * dy.
displ(1): displ dup image.
format("fff"): according to format f.
frame(rc,vc,bc,d): displays colored frame (rc,vc,bc) and d thickness. (black, d=2 default).
image(i1,i2,...,in)scale: displays images i1,i2,...,in with a scale to choose the firts image to be displayed (allows process a great number of images).
input: ENTER next image, end stop displaying.
name: displays image name (left lower corner).
normal: lower left corner at coordinates normalized between 0 and 1 (default = 0.0 lower left corner of screen).
number: displays image number (left lower corner).
pixel: returne the coordinates of the clicked pixel in the image.
poi(x,y): lower left corner at (x, y) (Xe1,Ye2 = screen lower left corner by default).
poi(x1,y1,x2,y2):with option image(id1,id2,...) displays images in window (x1,y1,x2,y2).
rectangle(rr,vr,br): colored rectangle rr,vr,br behind text (black default).
screen(r,g,b): clears creen color(r,g,b) (back by default).
text("ttt"): displaying the text ttt in the lower left of the image.
text(rt,vt,bt): colored text rt,vt,bt (white default).
transp(t): forcing the transparency of the image t (0: opaque 1: transparent).
validate: returns the coordinates of the clicked point inside the image, else returns NIL.
wait(w): waits wait secondes.
Note:move image(id) overrides poi.


displ image(1);
       Displays image number 1 in the lower left corner, press ENTER to the next
displ image[1,12]input;
       Displays image numbers 1 to 12 in the lower left corner.
displ image(1)dim(600,400);
       resizing it to 600,400.
displ image[1,25]poi(-300,-200,300,200)adjust;
       displays images 1 to 25 so that they fit into the window (-300,-200,300,200).
displ image[1,12]poi(.1,.1)normal dim(200)input;
       displays images 1 to 12 at position(.1,.1) normalised, press ENTER to the next.
read image(1)name("A.bmp")number("4D",1,50)dim(256)bitmap;
displ image(1)bitmap wait(1/25);

Loads images A[0001,0050].bmp in the bitmaps of image 1 and displays those images (rate 25 Hz).

displ image (id)CG(n)

       Displays the CG Image(id).
Options:col(r,g,b): color (r,g,b) (red default).
dim(d): size d (3 default).
poi(x1,y1,x2,y2): in the frame (x1,y1,x2,y2) (0,0,-100,0 default).
speed image

displ image (id)dila(r,v,b)

        Displays the image id by multiplying its components red, green and blue respectively by r, v and b.

displ image win(x1,y1,x2,y2)poi(x,y)

        Display window (x1, y1, x2, y2) of the current image in (x, y) (default 0.0).
frame(r,v,b): displays colored frame (r,v,b) (white default) around the input area.
mouse(s) (x,y)=souris, s=0,1,-1: no-blocking read, blocking-read, on the fly.
displ image(id)win(x1,y1,x2,y2)poi(x,y)
        Displays window (x1,y1,x2,y2) of image id in (x,y) (0,0 default).

displ image(id) back

        Display pixels of the image id of a different color from that of the background, allows detourage.
displ image(id)back(r,g,b)
        Does not display pixels of color (r, g, b).
displ image back(r1,v1,b1,r2,v2,b2)
        Does not display pixels of color between (r1,v1,b1) and (r2,v2,b2).

displ image(id)graphic("back")

        Displays the image id in th back ground, must be done before generate image.

displ image grid

displ image(id)grid(nx,ny)
        Displays the image id and a nx * ny grid.
grid(nx,ny,r,g,b): (r,g,b) = color of the grid (white default).
dim(d): thickness e (1 default).

displ image line

displ image(id) line(x1,y1,0,x2,y2,0,...) center(x,y)
        Displays the image id inside the line (x1, y1, 0, x2, y2, 0, ...) with a transparency ranging from 0 (opaque) at center to 1 (transpoarent) on the edge.
1) The line is assumed to be "star shapped" in (x, y).
2) If center(x,y) is absent it is the center of gravity of the line by default.
3) A law of variation can be specified by:
displ line(x1,y1,0,x2,y2,0,...) center(x,y) image(num) law(x,y,0,...);
4) The line and (x,y) are normalized.
5) displ image(id2) line image(id1);
The result is written in the image id2.
1) Display a fuzzy image:
L=arc(200,0,2*PI,20);alea var("L")coe(50);
screen;displ image(1) line(L);

2) Display a no noised image:
L=arc(200,0,2*PI,20);alea var("L")coe(50);
screen;displ image(1)line(L)law(0,0,0,1,0,0);

displ image(id1,id2,id3,...,idn)poi(x1,y1,x2,y2)

        Displays images idi in the window (x1,y1,x2,y2).
adjust: the images id1,id2,... are resized in order fill exactly the window (x1,y1,x2,y2).
dim: the window x1,y1,x2,y2 is resized in order ro be filled exactly with the images.
number: displays numbers of the images.
displ image(id1,id2,id3,...,idn)adjust poi;         Displays images idi exactly in the screen.

displ image(id1,id2,id3,...idn)poi(x1,y1,x2)

        Displays images idi on line (x1,y1,x2,y1).

displ image(id)period(p)

sets the period of displ image(id)interaction (default 0), 0: only once (default), 1: repeats, -1: periodic.

displ image(id)poi(x1,y1,x2,y2)interaction

Displays current bitmap of 3D image id with options in window (x1,y1,x2,y2).

displ image mouse

displ image(id)mouse
        Displays the image id lower left corner at the location of the mouse.
frame(x1,y1,x2,y2): does not take into account the points outside the frame.
col(r,v,b): displays the frame (x1, y1, x2, y2) in the color (r, g, b) (white by default).

displ image(id)symx(x)

        Displays the image id left <-> right with respect to x (normalized between 0 and 1, default 0.5).

displ image(id)symy(0,y)

        Displays image id top <-> bottom with respect to y (normalized between 0 and 1, default 0.5).

displ image(id)transp(t)

        Displays the image idwith transparency t (0: opaque 1: transparent).

displ image(id)speed

        Displays speed image if the id image type is dynamic (float).
displ(1): displays image id (time t - 1).
displ(2): displays image id (time t - 2).

displ line



Displays the 1D polygonal line L=x1,x2,....


Displays the 2D polygonal line L=x1,y1, x2,y2,....


Displays the 3D polygonal line L=x1,y1,z1, x2,y2,z2... (default).


close: closes the line.
col(r,v,b): colored line (r,v,b) (white default).
cube(d): with option displ(3) cubes surrounding the frames (5 default).
dim(e): thickness e (1 default).
dist: change minimum distance.
frame(r,v,b): surrounds the vertices of a colored frame (r,g,b) (white by default).
limit(x1,y1,x2,y2,r,v,b): adjusts and limits the input to the frame (x1,y1,x2,y2).
move: returns the number of the clicked vertex according to the mouse(m) mode (0: blocking, 1: non blocking, 2: continuous).
mouse: modifies the vertex closest to the mouse (left click) and returns the modified line.
number(r,v,b): displaying the numbers of vertices in the color (r,v,b) (white by default).
pers(0): without perspective (in orthogonal view).
pers(1): in perspective (default).
poi(x1,y1,x2,dy): line is x adjusted in [x1,x2,y1,y1+dy] (first ans last abscisses are preserved), y translated by y1, not supported with option displ(3).
Note: y2=y1+dy
radius(r): side of the frames surrounding the verticesd (default is 5).
rectangle(r,v,b): displays a rectangle of color (r,v,b) adjusted to the curve.
vertex(s): only vertex s.


       Shows a perspective view of a circle of radius 200 defined by a regular polygon of 12 vertices.
        Displays a 2D circle radius 1 modified by the mouse and placed in a black rectangle size (-300,100,300). displ(3)line(arc(200,0,PI,12))poi(-300,0,300,200)limit(-300,0,300,200);
       Shows a perspective view of a circle of radius 200 defined by a regular polygon of 12 vertices, adjusted to the box (-300,0,300,200) and whose modifications are limited to the box (-300,0,300,200).

displ light

Display the lights.
dim(d): size of the scales (300 default).
light(id): only light id.
poi(x,y): display the scales at point (x,y) (0,0 by default).
scale: display the scales color, focal, roll, and the x y z values of the axis if the light is of type axis.
radius(r): displays a cube dimension r (12 default) around eye and aim.
text: displays eye near the eye position and aim near the aim position.
text("eee aaa"): displays eee near the eye position and aaa near the aim position.

displ matrix

matrix        vol

displ matrix(m)

       Displays matrix m.
displ(1): shows the dimensions of the matrix below.
dim(dx,dy): dimension dx*dy (4*4 default).
And other options of displ.
Notee: dx*dy must be dim(m).

displ matrix vol

displ matrix vol(id)poi(x,y)

       Displays the matrix volume id in (x, y) with optionsrectangle, text frame and scales.

displ memory

displ memory(id)

       Displays memory identifier id.
abs: displays rectangles instead of the curve.
coe(cx,cy,cz): multiplying by cx,cy,cz (1,1,1 default).
number(n): displays rectangle around poi number n.
poi(x1,y1,x2,y2): adjusting to window (x1,y1,x2,y2) (0,0,200,100 default).

displ memory(id)envelope(t)

       Displays the envelope of memory id with the time t.

displ memory(id)period debug

       Displays the maximum currently detected.

displ number

displ number fac(num)obj(id)

Displays the number of facets numobject obj identifier id.

displ number vertex(num)obj(id)

Displays the number of vertices numobj identifier id.
col(r,v,b): color (r,g,b) (white default).
tran(d): at a distance d along the normal (default 0).

Options d´affichage

displ com1 com2 ...

Displays com1 com2 ... with options:
frame(rc,vc,bc,...): frame of color (rc,vc,bc) (white default).
col(r,v,b): allows choose the color for some options.
dim(d): 1/2 size for the options frame and rectangle (6 by default).
number(rn,bn,vn): for the option vertex displays vertices numbers in color (rn,vn,bn) (white default).
poi(x,y): at point (x,y) (0,0 par défaut).
rectangle(rr,vr,br, ...): in a rectangle of color (rr,vr,br) (black default).
vertex(s): displays vertex s (all default).
text(rt,vt,bt): text of color (rt,vt,bt) (white defualt).

displ normal

fac        vertex

displ normal fac(f) vol(id)

        Displays the normal to the facet f volume id (all facets default).
anc: displays normal fac anc.
dim(d): normal length d (default is 100).
generate: displays normal fac generate.

displ normal vertex(s) vol(id)

        Displays the normal to the vertex s volume id (all vertices default).
anc: displays normal vertex anc.
dim(d): normal length d (default is 100).
generate: displays normal vertex generate.

displ device

        Displays all devices with options.

displ device(id)

       Displays device id.
those of displ
coe(c1,c2): multiplying y by (c1,c2) (1,1 default).
var(v): displays a small rectangle of radius r around the vertex v.
radius(r): radius of small rectangle (2 par default).

displ period

Displays scale period (with options):
period: change period

displ poi

displ poi(x,y,z)

        Displays the 3D point (x, y, z) in perspective (see option pers).
col(r,g,b,a): color (r,g,b) (white and opaque default).
col(r1,v1,b1,a1,r2,v2,b2,a2)alea: random color (reproductible) in interval [r1,v1,b1,a1] * [r2,v2,b2,a2].
col(r1,v1,b1,a1,r2,v2,b2,a2)rand: random color (no reproductible) in interval [r1,v1,b1,a1] * [r2,v2,b2,a2].
dim(r): radius r (1 default).
See graphic poi to change the size of the points.
pers(0): without perspective.

displ pixel genetic(id)

Displays pixels of genetic id

displ poi dup genetic(id)

Displays pixel dup of genetic id
dim(nx,ny): dimension.
poi(x,y): translation (x,y).

displ network


displ network(id)

       Displays neural network id
back(r,g,b): the window is a rectangle of color (r,g,b).
displ(1): displays moving segments between neurons representing the nerve impuls.
frame(r1,v1,b1,r2,v2,b2): Entry neurons are represented by colored frames (r1,g1,b1) and output neurons in color (r2,v2,b2) (interpolated colors for the hidden layers).
input(num): returns the output layer num (default 1). To recover a modified layer at the mouse.
inv: displays the motifs and laws from the bottom up.
law: displays laws.
matrix: displays matrix.
motif: displays motifs.
motif law: displays motifs and laws.
validate : displays validate(motif)network.
neuron: displays neurons.
poi(x1,y1,x2,y2): in winow (x1,y1,x2,y2).
if x1 < x2, the input layer is left and the output layer is right, if x1> x2 is the opposite.
rectangle(r1,v1,b1,r2,v2,b2): Entry neurons are represented by colored rectangles (r1,g1,b1) and output neurons in color (r2,v2,b2) (interpolated colors for the hidden layers).
text("IN;HID;OUT"): displays this text above.
validate: displays the validate motif(m)network(id).

displ network(id)poi(x1,y1,x2,y2)error(err)[NP(max,nb,cpt)][alea rand]

Displays the error curve (with a coefficient err (1 by default), the learning curve is in meta error network(1), it defaults to 32, to change the size to 100 do:
   meta error network(1)=[1,100];
Scale NOISE allows to choose a matrix noise coefficient when the average is greater than 50%, in this case a counter is displayed in red.
alea(a): Random reproducible germ a.
rand: no reproductible random.

col(r,v,b): curve color (white by default).
displays two scales of constant learning and coe1 coe2 ranging coe1 [2] and coe2 [2], the values can be changed interactively on these scales. These constants are decremented when the average is too long below 50% without reducing, in this case a counter is displayed in red.
Default is: coe1=0,10,2,2 and coe2=0,1,.01,.01, you can change them by:
   meta coe network(1)=coe1,coe2; with, for example:
When the average error is greater than 0.5 the matrix is reset every a times randomly (meta alea network (id) = a1, a2, a, a0), a scale shows the variation of the counter is between a1 and a2 .
When the average error is between 0.1 and 0.5 constants are decreased by learning dc (meta coe (n) network (id) = c1, c2, c, c0, dc1, dc2, dc, dc0) every c time scale shows variations between meter dc dc1 and dc2.
dim(d): thickness of the curve (1 by default).
rectangle(r,g,b): displays a rectangle color (r,g,b) (default black).

m=displ network(id)poi(x1,y1,x2,y2)law

       Displays the network id laws in the bottom of the window (x1, y1, x2, y2).
When you click on a law returns m = i, j with i = number of law (i >= 1) and j = number sub law (j >= 0).
col(r,v,b): color (green is default).
dim(x,y): for a network type CG near shows the normalized coordinates x,y laws.

displ network(id)poi(x1,y1,x2,y2)matrix

       Displays the matrix network id in the window (x1,y1,x2,y2).
matrix(1): displays nx * ny = nx*ny in a black rectangle below the matrix.
frame: linear display.
coe(c): by multiplying the weights by c (1 by default).
col(r,g,b): by interpolating the color between (0,0,0) and (r, g, b) (white by default) on the absolute values of the weights.
col(r1,g1,b1,r2,g2,b2): for the negative weights by interpolating color between (0,0,0) and (r1,g1,b1)), for the positive weights interpolating color between (0,0,0) and (r2,g2,b2).
rectangle: solid display (default).
speed(1): shows the rate of change of the matrix.

m=displ network(num)poi(x1,y1,x2,y2)motif

       Displays network motifs id at the top of the window (x1, y1, x2, y2).
When you click on a motif returns m = i , i = 0 with the motif number (i >= 1).
If the network type is near the property motif law dist is displayed as a small white rectangles (between 2 motifs) showing the degree of inconsistency in the network.
coe(c): allows modulate the size of the rectangles.
col(r,v,b): color (red by default).
dim(x,y): for a network type near shows the normalized coordinates (x, y) of the centers of gravity of the motifs.

m=displ network(id)poi(x1,y1,x2,y2)motif law

       Displays patterns (top) and laws (bottom) of the networkid in the window(x1, y1, x2, y2).
displ(c): c * color rectangle: allows display tiny values.
When you click on a motif (or a law) returns m=i,j with i=number of the motif (or the law) (j=0 for a motif, j=1 for a law), and the evaluations of motifs.
col(r1,v1,b1,r2,v2,b2): color (green, red by default).
c=displ network(1)motif poi(0,100,200,200);
if(c!=NIL){$"MOTIF ",c;NL;}
c=displ network(1)law poi(0,100,200,200);
if(c!=NIL){$"LOI ",c;NL;}
displ network(1)poi(0,200,200,300);

If the network is of type near the two streams of input and output are displayed as a scale representing their likeness (which is accessible via the command motif law dist network). If the secondary type of network is CG, CG of patterns and laws are displayed.
no: dont displays the evaluations of motifs.

m=displ network(id)poi(x1,y1,x2,y2)validate

       Displays validate motif(mi)network(id) for every motif mi.

displ network(id)poi(x1,y1,x2,y2)neuron

       Displays the the neurons of network id.
displ(1): Displays the segments joining the neurons of a layer to another.

displ network brush(id)poi(x1,y1,x2,y2)

       Displays the network associated with the au pinceau id.
Note: if id is the identifier of the network is as simple to do:
displ network(id);

displ segment

displ segment(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2)

        Displays the 3D segment (x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2).
col(r,v,b): color (r,v,b)(white default).
dim(e): thickness e (1 default).
Voir graphic segment to change the thickness of the segment.

displ secx

displ secx(s)vol(id)

displays the vertices of the x section (number s) of volume id.
Same options as displ vertex vol.

displ secy

displ secy(s)vol(id)

displays the vertices of the y section (number s) of volume id.
Same options as displ vertex vol.

displ vertex

displ vertex fac(f)vol(id)[number][radius(r)]

        Displays the facets f of volume id (all by default).
Same options as displ vertex vol.

displ vertex(s)vol(id)

        Displays cubnes at vertices s of volume id (all if s=0 or is absent).
col(r,g,b): color (r,g,b) (white default).
col(r1,g1,b1, r2,g2,b2, ...): colors (ri,gi,bi).
generate: displays the vertices of the extension or fractal.
number: displays the number of vertices.
radius(r): r=side of the cube (6 default).
attach displ vertex(s)vol(id) is preferable.
For an anchored structure use attach displ.

displ mouse

Displays the mouse.
frame(rc,gc,bc) display colored frame (rc,gc,bc) (white default).
col(r,g,b): displays colored mouse (r,g,b (white default).
dim(n): stores n values of the mouse (default 512 and less than 1024).
dist(d): maximum distance input (1 by default).
limit(xa,ya,xb,yb) includes only the values of the mouse inside the window (xa, ya, xb, yb) of color (r, g, b) which are mapped into the window (x1, y1, x2, y2).
poi(x1,y1,x2,y2): maps the values of the mouse in the (x1,y1,x2,y2) (0,0,200,100 default).
rectangle(rr,gr,br) displays the rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2)in color (rr, gr, br) (black by default).

displ displ mouse

Displays a frame size 12 around the mouse(2) in continuous read.
col(r,g,b: color(r,g,b) (white default).
col(r,g,b): color(r,g,b) (white default).
col(r,g,b,r2,g2,b2): colors of segment and frame (white default).
dim(d,e): size,thickness (6,1 default).
format("arrow"): double arrow.
format("arc"): arc.
frame: frame (default).
mouse(m): reading type.
segment(x1,y1,x2,y2,...): draws line (x1,y1,x2,y2,...).

displ sphere

displ sphere

        Displays the default sphere with options.
must validate sphere by validate sphere=1
must yes sphere=1 be active.

displ stock

displ line stock(id)

        Displays the polygonal line vectors stock id.

displ poi stock(id)

        Displays the vertices of the line vectors stock id.

displ speed stock(id)

        Displays the velocity vectors of stock id.


coe(c): multiplying the speeds by c (1 default).
col(r,g,b): in color (r,g,b) (white default).

displ system

Displays the status of the stack with the options de displ.

displ time

        Displays the time: number of hours, minuts and seconds at location (0,0).
Click on INI resets the clock.
col(r,g,b): color of the text (default white).
dim(d): size of the clock (100 default).
frame(r,g,b): color of the frame.
ini: allows not specify poi(x,y)dim(d) again.
mouse: allows drag the display, call once:
       displ time poi(x,y)dim(d)ini;
poi(x,y): at location (x,y) (right top corner default).
rectangle(r,g,b): color of the clock (default black).
validate: displays a scale alowing dilate time.

displ traj(id)

displ traj

displ traj(id)

       Displays the trajectory id.
col(r,g,b): color r,g,b (white default).

displ traj typ vol(id)

        Displays tehe trajectory type (typ = axis tran dila dilx dily dilz force hom rota rotx roty rotz) of volume id.
Multiplier coefficients are calculated automatically depending on the type, you can change them with the option:

displ speed


displ speed vol(id)

        Displays the velocity vector of the volume id.

displ speed vertex(s)vol(id)

        Displays the speed of the vertices s volume id, all vertices if s is absent.
dim(d,e): d=multiplier (1 default), ethickness (1 default).
col(r,g,b): color (white default).

displ vol


displ vol

        Displays all volumes with options:
Display options for volumes
dila(cx,cy,cz): expansion (cx,cy,cz) (1,1,1 by default).
poi(x,y,z): displacement (x, y, z) (0,0,0 default).
rotx(rx): x rotation (0 par défaut).
roty(ry): y rotation.
rotz(rz): z rotation.

displ vol(id)

        Displays volumes id.

displ vol(id)dup

        Displays volume id and its vertices duplicate.

displ vol(id)fac(f)

        Displays facets f of volume id.


        Displays the normal (d length) at facet f of volume id.
1) d = 1 by default.
2) all facet by default.

displ vol(id)precision(c)

        Displays volume id with precision c.
1) c =1 by default: full display.
2) If c > only one facet will be displayed on c*c.
3) Only volumes isomorphic to a grid are displayed, ´filet´, ´geod´, ´grid´, ´prism´, ´rev´)
4) For faster display of large databases.
5) See precision vol to give particular precision to a volume.
6) See generate precision to generate a simplified volume.

displ vol(id) secx(s)

        displays vertices of x sections (number s) of volume id.

displ vol(id) secy(s)

        displays vertices of y sections (number s) of volume id.

displ vol(id) simple(s)

        displays simplified volume id.
1) With no illum, without extension (´ext´, ´frac´, ´mnotif´, ´lattice´) and without clipping (displays erroneous facets outside the window may occur).
2) Accelerates displays wire of large databases.

displ vol(id)memory

        Calculates the image into a buffer and displays the result;

displ vol(id) memory screen(r,g,b)

        Initially erases the image memory with the color (r,g,b) (background color by default).
To be used in preference to displ vol because courcircuite faster processor graphic bugs with option yes illum..

displ(d) normal vertex(s)vol(id)

        Displays the normal (d length) at vertices s of volume id.
1) d=1 by default.
2) All vertices by default.


displ(-1)win: hides current window.
displ(0)win: iconifies current window.
displ(1)win: shows current window (default).
win(id): window id.

See also:

meta displ
no displ
number fac displ
number vol displ
read displ
yes displ