The command mouse may have several interpretations:
1) Invoked in interpreter mode allows it to enter graphic datas.
2) Invoked in interaction mode allows it returns the instantaneous state of the mouse.
3) As an option of graphic commands it lets you specify the input mode (continuous click, click or continuous).
Interpreter mode
In interpreter mode mouse switches to mouse:
Clic left: entering a point.
Clic middle: removes the last point (in stream mode must move).
Clic right: gives a menu:
keyboard: back to keyboard mode (or Esc).
screen: clears the screen.
click: entering by left click (default).
stream: continous entering (left enfoncé).
init: clears the screen and cancels the entry.
mouse end("f"): switches to mouse, executes the function f () when returning to keyboard.
mouse func("f"): switches to mouse, executes the function f () at each image.
mouse func(0,"f"): switches to mouse, executes the function f () once at the begining.
Switches to keyboard after capturing n points.
Exemple: mouse(1): to capture only one point.
mouse(s)poi(0): surrounds mouse.
mouse(s)poi(1): draws a frame between the the first position and the current position.
mouse(0)poi(2): draws a frame between the the first position and the current position, returns the
firts and the last position if mouse is released, elswhere returns NIL.
Useful to capture an image in a frame (see demo1_image.func in
function func_WIN()).
validate mouse returns the coordinates list of the clicked points.
Examples of use:
1) generate mouse image(id);
switches to mouse, click 2 points, the inner portion of the image corresponding to the frame is stored in the image id.
2) mouse
switches to mouse, click to capture points, ..., right bouton ->clavier to return interpreter mode.
p=validate mouse
p returns the input polygonal line.
Interaction mode
Returns: x,y,0,num,down with:
x,y: mouse coordinates -DX/2 <=x < DX/2 et -DY/2 <=y < DY/2
where (DX,DY) = screen size (given by dim screen).
num: number of the button pressed: 0 (left), 1 (middle), the right button gives acces to interaction menu.
down: 1 (one button is pressed), 0 (no one button is pressed).
mouse(0): blocking read (default).
mouse(1): not blocking read .
mouse(2): continous read (without click).
Changes the last position of the mouse in x,y.
mouse(x,y,n): changes the number of captured positions of the mouse in n.
Returns the mouse displacement acceleration with mode 2
mouse arc
Displays arcs center (0,0 and radius 90,110 and returne the coordinates of the clicked
point between the arcs else retuens NIL.
arc(d): radius d-10 and d+10.
arc(d1,d2): radius d1 and d2.
col(r1,g1,b1,r2,g2,b2): color (white default).
poi(x,y): center (x,y).
segment: displays segment(center,clicked point).
disk(r): displays disk radius r (6 default) at clicked point (color white or r2,g2,b2).
Returns the average value of mouse along n images (1 <= n <= 250).
Displays the frame (or the disk) in color (r,v,b) (white default).
Only captures points whose distance is > d.
It is necessary do:
ini mouse only once before capturing.
An example in function func_SOURIS_DISQUE() of file
To capture several frames without ambiguity see l´option dist.
mouse draw
Displays a frame at the current position.
col(r,g,b): color r,g,b (white default).
frame(f): dont display a frame if f==0.
radius(rx,ry): sizes rx,ry (6,6 default).
segment: displays a cross.
mouse draw frame(0)segment col(0,1,0)radius(12,6);
Displays a green cross size 24,12.
Frame size (rx,ry) is displayed at the up position of mouse.
Must be invoked only once before mouse dist.
Allows capture a frame: click left then drga the mouse with left button pressed:
a frame is displayed. Release the button, the command returne the 4 coordonates of the frame.
col(r,v,b): color of the frame (1,1,1 default).
limit (v1,v2)
If the value returned is 1-dimensional, they are limited in the interval (v1,v2).
Example: mouse acc module limit(2,8);
limit(x1,y1,x2,y2): if the value returned is 2-dimensional, they are limited in the box
Example: mouse speed limit(-10,-10,0, 10,10,0);
mouse limit(x1,y1,x2,y2); processes only the interior points to the frame (x1,y1,x2,y2).
color(r,g,b[,rg,gg,bg]): in color r,g,b (white default).
dim(nx,ny): the value returned is a vertex of the grid nx,ny boxes which is displayed
in color rg,gg,bg of the option color (white default).
displ(r,g,b): frame displaying in (r,g,b) colour (white default).
frame(x1,y1,x2,y2)exec: Returns (x1,y1,x2,y2) as amended (the corner nearest the mouse click takes this position).
validate: returns NIL if the mouse is outside the box (x1,y1,x2,y2),
returns 0 if a button is pressed, otherwise returns -1.
mouse(0): no blocking click (default): returns s if left click (continous mode), otherwise NIL.
mouse(1): blocking click : returns s every clic left, else returns NIL.
mouse(2): continous without click: retourne s.
Returns the module.
Example:mouse acc module
: returns the acceleration module.
Returns (x,y,0).
x,y = The mouse normalized coordinates between -.5 and .5
down = 1 (one button is pressed), 0 (no button is pressed).
mouse normal(x1,y1,x2,y2) returns the mouse normalized coordinates between (x1,y1)
and (x2,y2).
mouse normal(0,0,1,1)
: returns the mouse normalized coordinates between 0 and 1.
mouse pull: displays segment(last position, mouse up).
mouse radius: returns the mouse radius.
mouse radius=r: sets the mouse radius (12 default).
Note: a circle radius r is displayed at the mouse location.
mouse speed: returns the speed of the mouse displacements (vx,vy,0)
in mode 2.
mouse speed limit(-10,-10,-10,10,10,10);
mouse speed module limit(2,8);
mouse speed(0) module limit(2,8);
mouse traj
mouse traj t vol(id)
Returns the property mouse of trajectory type t of volume id.
mouse(c)traj t vol(id)
Changes this property.
the trajectory type t of volume id is modulated by c * pos, where
ppos is the normalized position of the mouse in continuous reading.
1) mouse disk(50,75,100)
: returns the mouse position
limited to the disk center (50,75) and radius 100.
2) See function func_func_SOURIS_DISQUE() of file
To capture several disks radius without ambiguity see option dist.
limit(x1,y1,x2,y2): considers only the points inside the window (x1,y1,x2,y2).
dynamic mouse
dynamic mouse
Stores a sample.
When samples n were stored n the analysis of dynamic properties of the mouse are computed
mouse dynamic displ
The stored curve is displayed (white) and the tangent line (in red), normal (green) and the circle of curvature
(centered at center of curvature radius and the radius of curvature).
mouse dynamic dim
Returns the number of values ??displayed.
mouse dynamic dim(n)
Changes this number.
mouse dynamic adjust
Returns the adjustment coefficient.
mouse dynamic ajsut(1)
Changes this coefficient.
Entering a point is adjusted for two previous entries.
mouse dynamic col
Returns the tangente and normal colors.
mouse dynamic col(rc,vc,bc, rt,vt,bt, rn,vn,bn)
Changes these colors.
mouse dynamic dim
returns the stored samples number.
mouse dynamic dim(n)
Declare a buffer storing the dynamic analysis of the mouse on n samples (n >= 3).
It is necessary to invoke this command to launch the dynamic mouse (dim(15) is a good value).
mouse dynamic dist
Returns the minimum distance of two samples (5 default).
h3>mouse dynamic dist(d)
Changes this distance.
mouse dynamic end
To exit cleanly from mouse mode dynamic.
mouse dynamic line
Returns the 3D le buffer (t,x,y) of n stored values.
mouse dynamic limit
Returns the capture limit.
mouse dynamic limit(x1,y1,x2,y2)
Capture is limited to boxe (x1,y1,x2,y2).
limit(x1,y1,x2,y2,r,v,b): displays the frame with color (r,v,b) (white default).
mouse dynamic smooth
Returns the smooth coefficient.
mouse dynamic smooth(d)
Changes this coefficient.
Note: points located more than d will be smoothed
mouse dynamic normal
Returns the unit vector of the mouse normal.
mouse dynamic radius
Returns the radius of curvature.
mouse dynamic tan
Returns the unit vector tangent to the mouse.
mouse dynamic time
Returns the tempo (1000 default).
mouse dynamic time(t)
Changes this tempo.
1) The first component is the time in seconds 1/tempo at which was captured the sample.
2) This command changes the period.
3) A good value is 1000.
mouse dynamic var
Returns the length of the stored curve.
mouse dynamic speed
Returns the curvilinear velocity.
mouse menu
mouse menu("MEN")
Returns the input mode of the mouse to the menu ("MEN") (1 by default, ie click).
mouse menu("MEN")=s
Changes this mode.
mouse menu("MEN")=s1,s2,...
to assign a particular mode for each box.
mouse vol
mouse vol
Run picking operation for every anchored structure of volumes and returns (v, s)
with v = volume number and s = clicked vertex number, otherwise NIL.
col(0,0,0)inv: restore black color for volumes.
dim(d): thickness of the cursor (-1: automatic).
image(im1,im2): images debuging.
vol(id): for only the anchored structure leader id.
pull: modifies the designated point by bringing the mouse position.
radius(r): size of the cursor.
see demo1_mouse.func.
radius(r): changes the radius of picking.
See also: