real time interaction
Interaction mode
Anyflo is a graphic language evolved preferably using procedural mode (writing functions).
A real-time interface (calling MainLoop OpenGL) is available, however, by the command interaction.
Once this command is launched interpreter no longer has hand
(clic right->interpreteur can invoke shell commands for a line).
The escape character returns to interpreter.
Note: foc is initialized to 0.8.
Call backs
The interaction occurs through the The interaction occurs through the interaction
func option,
which defines functions (written in C language or anyflo) executables at different levels (call back).
Interaction with the mouse
Functionality allowing to interact with the mouse:
displ: to display all kinds of objects.
displ exec: to run command lines or functions.
scale: to read values (1, 2 or 3 dimensional).
menu: to define menus (OpenGL or anyflo style).
Lauching options
Calls back
interaction func(n,"Fn"): active callback Fn() order n.
interaction format
Mesage ANYFLO Michel BRET appears at the bottom of the screen by default. Option
interaction format("ANYFLO Michel BRET"): allows this message to not be displayed.
interaction menu(0)
Inhibits the default menus (usefull for an interactive installation).
interaction name
interaction name("ttt"):
displays ttt during 400 images
interaction name("ttt",t): displays ttt during t*400 images (t >= 1).
interaction period(p) redefines the display frequency.
swap is inhibited (the image is frozen).
swap is restored.
Interactively modifying the view
the left mouse button allows modifying the rotx and roty of eye.
the left mouse buttonallows modifying the rotx and rotz of eye.
the left mouse button allows displacing the eye.
resets the view to its default values.
frame color (white default).
restricts input to frame (x1, y1, x2, y2) that is displayed.
multiplies the angles and displacements by c (1 default).
Interactively modifying volumes
the left mouse button allows to move the volumes designated.
Same for interaction("rota"), interaction("rotx"), interaction("roty") ,
Writing images
interaction write("nnn.ext"):
successive images will be saved under the names nnn0001.ext, nnn0002.ext ...nnn0001.ext,
nnn0002.ext, ...
Note: these options can be invoked after entering the interaction mode.
Cascading menus
interaction menu("f1 f2 ...")
Allows you to define cascading menus associated with right mouse button:
(right button) -> menu -> f1, ...
Multiple commands interaction...
Launches the interaction mode.
Called in this mode with options.
interaction displ
interaction displ vol;
returns the numbered displayable volumes.
interaction displ vol(id);
only volumes id will be displayable.
interaction ascii
interaction ascii
Interaction mode returns the ASCII code of a key in nonblocking read, except:
ESCAPE emerging from interaction, > reseting the buffer (useful if some key of
interaction ascii("c") func("f") is lost).
! introducing a string to be interpreted by ENTER.
If the first character is < (redefinable by interaction ascii format),
reading waits ENTER.
The display options are valid.
interaction ascii=0: reset the buffer.
interaction ascii="c": set the buffer to c.
interaction ascii abs
Returns the pressed key.
interaction ascii format
Returns the character c (< default) for reading the keyboard with the command:
nn=interaction ascii ...;
interaction ascii format("c")
Redefines the character c.
we can replace "c" by its ascii code.
Eg interaction ascii format("A")
is equivallent to
interaction ascii format(65)
interaction ascii("c") func("f")
Associates the function f to the character c.
The function f will be executed each time the button c is pressed.
See also validate interaction_ascii
interaction ascii("c") func
Returns the name of the function associated with the c key on the keyboard.
interaction ascii func("f")
Returns the key c associated with the function f.
This property is typically declared once in a function
interaction func(0,"f0").
interaction ascii("ccc") func("f")
Associates the function f to the string ccc. The function f will be executed whenever
the string <ccc will be entered followed by a carriage return.
1) <ccc x runs f(x);
2) <ccc x y runs f(x,y);
3) !ccc executes the command line ccc
Example: !fff(): runs function fff()
4) interaction ascii format("k");
replaces < by k.
interaction ascii("ttt")poi(x,y)
x=interaction ascii("ttt")poi(-200,-200)rectangle(0,0,0)
Displays text ttt in a black rectangle in (-200,200) box green, x is the
value (in ASCII) of text entered after < that appears in yellow.
interaction ascii("g") write name obj
Returns the name of the objects obj associated with theg key.
interaction ascii write name("nnn")obj
Returns the key associated with objects obj named "nnn".
interaction ascii("g") write name("nnn")obj
Asociates key g to write obj name(nnn).
With options of write image for images.
Note: are destroyed (input and output of interaction mode) should therefore be declared in a function
Special options:
name("nnn"): objects will be stored under the names nnn1.eee,
nnn2.eee ... (A1.eee A2.eee ... default).
number(num,ni,inc): ni objects will be stored under the names nnnnum.eee
nnnnum+inc.eee ... nnnnum+(ni-1)*inc.eee (by default ni=25, num=1, inc=1).
number("4D",num,ni,inc): names will be numbered on 4 digits.
interaction ascii("g")write name("A.bmp")image "4D",ni,10);
the images
(full screen) will be stored under the successive names: A0010.bmp A0011.bmp A0012.bmp ...
interaction write name("A.jpg")image win(.5,-.5, .5,.5)normal
number("4D",10,2)format("RGB"); the images
(lower right quadrant) will be stored under the successive names: AOO10.bmp AOO12.bmp AOO14.bmp ...
by reversing the red and blue components.
interaction coe
interaction coe
Restores the multiplier of transformations its default value 1.
interaction coe(c)
Changes this coefficient.
Note: transformations interaction("...") are multiplied by c.
interaction cut
Returns -1 mode (continuous default) or 1 (step by step).
cut(1): step by step mode
cut(-1): continuous mode
cut(0): mode step ahead of an image
Note: Is typically called in a function from a
interaction debug
F5 called in a function () type interaction func(5,"f5") ,
this command displays a scale to choose the number of values with scale
options (option poi (x, y) is normalized between 0 and 1, the origin is the bottom left corner of the screen).
For each of these values two scales appear: The first allows you to select a value between -B and B, the B terminal is selected on the second scale.
interaction debug(n)
Returns the scale value n (0 to n-1). .
interaction debug(n)=v
Assigns the value vto scale n (can be used in a function written in C v = Val_Debug [3 * n]).
interaction debug poi=x,y
Moves scales (x and y between 0 and 1).
interaction debug NP
Returns the number of validated scales.
interaction debug NP(n)
Allows you to choose the number of validated scales (between 0 and 24).
interaction debug rectangle
Displays the full scales (default).
interaction debug frame
Displays scales wire.
Parameters of this function are available in C language.
interaction displ
Returns the numbers of the volumes displayed.
interaction displ(num1,num2,...)
Sets the numbers of the volumes displayed in this order (allows managing the transparencies).
interaction displ(0)
Sets the numbers of every volumes.
interaction displ image bitmap
interaction displ image(id)bitmappoi(x,y)
If image id is of type 3D
its bitmaps will be displayed.
period(1) : images 1,2, ...,nb, 1,2,...
period(-1) : images 1,2, ...,nb, nb-1,nb-2,...
poi(x,y) : at point (x,y).
poi(x,y)normal : at point (x,y) normalized.
interaction scale
interaction scale var("A")
Does A[2]=scale coe(A) with
With several options var("A1") var("A2") ...
allows managing a lot of scales.
interaction scale("ent(1) ent int float float")var("A1 A2 A3 A4 A5")
ent(1) ent int float
poi(-300,100,300,300)rectangle(1,0,0, 0,0,0)frame(0,1) displ line(3);
interaction screen
Returns the screen clearing period.
interaction screen(ni)
Clears the screen and the zbuffer each ni.
If interaction stock or interaction write is active,
the image will be saved one image
before clearing the screen (allows to accumulate an animation of higher order.
func: returns the name of the function associated with traj of traj.
changes this name.
Note: this function will be executed after each clearing of the screen.
Initiates the interaction with a window full screen.
interaction win
Initiates the interaction with a window full screen.
interaction end
interaction end mouse
Exits (by program) of interaction mouse mode.
interaction error
When stopping interaction adds start ans stop time in file DATE.log.
error(-1): writes instead of adding.
interaction func (callbacks)
interaction func(0,"f0")
Interaction switches by running the function f0 () once.
Useful to declare automatic properties.
interaction func(n,"fn") (n>0)
The functions f () are performed at each frame in the following order:
sets meta generate vol to nul.
reseting all flags:
poi anc
normal fac
normal vertex
normal fac generate
normal vertex generate
force vol,
force rota
force vertex
Computing trajectories.
collision anc
can set forces.
f3(): before clear screen.
displays images
computes lights
displays volumes
exec interaction
exec puls
play audio
exec play ascii
f5(): after display (processing menus, scales, messages and texts)
exec message
f6(): when returning of interaction mode (by escape or
end interaction (useful for
chaining several applications).
interaction func("nnn")
calls function nnn(1) once and nnn() each frame.
interaction func(-1);
inhibits this feature.
such a function is like:
These functions are performed each image except f0 () which is executed only once at the beginning of interaction.
In such functions can execute any anyflo command.
interaction write
interaction write image
Returns (im,ni) with:
im=number of the image currently stocked.
ni=number of the last images.
interaction write image=NIL when animation is completed (allows checking the end).
The name of the image is displayed, no edit not do that.
interaction write image name("nnn.eee")number(num1,ni)
Saves ni images in files nnnnum1.eee, nnnnum1+1.eee, ...,
edit: displays the name in a black rectangle.
number("4D"im,ni): file names indexed with 4 digits.
dim(nx,ny): image size (dim screen default).
poi(x,yt: position of the message (default left low corner), for no display this
message: no edit.
win(x1,y1,x2,y2): save window (full default).
interaction write end
Stops the process of writing.
abs: does not transform the dimensions in powers of 2 (for option dim(nx1,ny1,nx2,ny2)).
dim(nx1,ny1): the image is resized to (nx2,ny2) (screen dimensions by default)
(where (nx2,ny2) are powers of 2 closest nx1,ny1).
If the option abs is present nx2=nx1 and ny2=ny1.
format("fff"): format of the images.
name("Anum1.eee Bnum2.eee",n1,n1,num): for every n1 image the files "Anum1.eee
and "Bnum2.eee are read and interpolated in images number num ... (1000000000 default) and used by the first
order animation process, then num1 and num2 are incremented.
Note: the field n1,n1 is required.
normal: normalized coordinates (between 0.0 and 1.0).
number(im,ni) set:
im=number of the first image to be saved (default 1).
ni=images saved number.
number("4D"im,ni): with 4 digits.
win(x1,y1,x2,y2): stores the window (x1,y1,x2,y2)
(screen size by default).
interaction write end: stops the process of writing.
The images stored can be viewed with command play image.
interaction write vol
Same as write image, but for volumes.
interaction image
Allows manage fluent interpolation of textures:
interaction image read directory("dir1,dir2,...")number(i1,num)
Reads nbi images of folder diri in images numbers
i1i, i1i+1, ..., i2i, with i11 = num.
animate(ni): number of interpolated images (25 default).
dim(dx,dy): size of read images.
num1,num1+1, ..., builds the 5D array:
nbi, * ,*, ii1, ii2
nbi = number of images of the forder diri.
ii1, ii2 = first and last read image numbers (i1,i1+1, ...).
animate(ni): number of interpolated images (default 25).
dim(dx,dy): size of read images.
interaction image(im,im2)read number(i1,num)
As before with images [im1,im2]=im1;im1+1,...,im2 in memory, instead of image files,
building images num,num+1,..., and building a single sequence type;
and array of one type sequence i1,i1+1,...,i1+num-1.
interaction image generate animate(ni)
Computes interpolated sequences, with ni = number of interpolated images:
first along the images of every forder:
im1i, im1i+1, im1i+1, ..., im2i,
with im11=num.
Builds the 5D array:
nbi, im1i, im1i, i1i
then between the last image of every folder and the first image of every foldre in the array:
im1i, im1i+1, im1i+1, ..., im2i.
This array is returnad by interaction image var.
Its size is returnad by interaction image NP.
interaction image directory
returns the number of directories.
interaction image var
returns the buffer.
interaction image var=
changes the buffer, must be of the form:
interaction image vol
runs the automatic process of textures interpolation for every volumes.
image(num1,num2): next sequence between num1 and num2 (default).
image(num1,num2)alea: random sequence between num1 and num2.
image(num1,num2)law(num): next sequence is num between num1 and num2.
vol(id); for the volume id.
interaction image vol number(seq)
initiates the automatic proces of textures interpolation between the current texture and the
first texture of sequence seq for all the volumes.
animate(ni): on ni images (25 default).
vol(id); for the volume id.
interaction image NP
returns the number of 5D vectors.
interaction interpol
interaction interpol(ni)image(id1,id2)image(id3)
Starts interpol(k,1-k)image(id1,id2)image(id3)
from k=1.0 to k=0.0 on ni images.
interaction(id): allows define several such objects with various properties.
validate interaction(id)interpol image returns 0
if the process is finished.
interaction limit
Gives the framework of its entry defaults value 1 (screen size).
interaction limit(x1,y1,x2,y2)
Change this frame.
interaction menu
interaction menu(" ")
May be useful after ini graphic to find the menus.
Simple menu
interaction menu("f1 f2 ...")
When you right-click, interaction menu appears. If you right click on the box menu f1 f2 ... appears.
If you click on the function fi, fi () is executed.
Cascading menus
Cascading menus can be defined (as in OpenGL) the deepest to the main menu.
A submenu sm is declared as:
menu(">sm f1 f2 ...")
It can be referenced, below, as:
menu("> ...")
When you click on this menu boxes f1 f2 ... allow trigger functions f1 () f2 () ....
f1() f2() ...
1) code:
menu(">sm3 f1 f2")
menu(">sm4 f3 f4")
menu(">sm5 f5 f6")
menu(">sm6 f7 f8")
menu(">sm1 sm3 sm4")
menu(">sm2 sm5 sm6")
menu("sm1 sm2 f6");
2) explanations:
/* Level 2 */
menu(">sm3 f1 f2")
Declares sub menu sm3 calling functions f1 and f2.
menu(">sm4 f3 f4")
Declares sub menu sm4 calling functions f3 and f4.
menu(">sm5 f5 f6")
Declares sub menu sm5 calling functions f5 and f6.
menu(">sm6 f7 f8")
Declares sub menu sm6 calling functions f7 and f8.
/* Level 1 */
menu(">sm1 sm3 sm4")
Declares sub menu sm1 calling sub menus sm3 and sm4.
menu(">sm2 sm5 sm6")
Declares sub menu sm2 calling sub menus sm5 and sm6.
/* Niveau 0 */
menu("sm1 sm2 f0")
Declares main menu menu calling sub menus sm1 and sm2, and
calling function f0.
Dynamic menus
interaction menu("...")menu("...")...
Called, interaction off, enters the module defining the interaction menus.
Called in the intercation module, allows dynamically redefine menus.
See menu_cascade.func.
interaction name
interaction name("ttt",t)
Entering interaction mode, displays the message "ttt" during t * 50 images (t = 1 by default).
interaction noswap
Inhibits swap (image frozen).
interaction period
interaction period(np) name("A")
Initializes memory named "A" to np zero values.
interaction period name("A") poi(x)
stacks x and returns the period of the signal x.
In real-time mode (interaction) memory "A" is a stack of circular current value x.
interaction play
interaction play device
Returns the value of the sensor, and NIL if the animation is completed or not yet started,
must have made interaction play device name..
interaction play device name
interaction play device name("name")wait(t)
Reads the information of file name.cap generated by
interaction stock device name("name")
and assigns them to the sensor. Reads and executes commands stored in file name.eff.
If wait (t) is present, the animation starts only after t images (allows synchronize music).
Note: name("name",dimp) allows you to specify the size of the records (which can prevent coding errors file).
interaction play device write
interaction play device name("name")write("ima")
Do as interaction play device name and writes images in nomxxxx.bmp (where xxxx = number of the image).
To change the type of extension:: ext("eee") avec eee=jpg bmp ima raw
To change format: format("f") avec f=nD, n=nombre de caractères (4 par défaut).
To perform a convolution of theimage in a window size (dx,dy): dim(dx,dy)
This command can be replaced by:
interaction play device name("name");
interaction write image name("ima") ext("bmp")format("4D")dim(x,y);
See interaction write image.
interaction play vol
interaction play("name")vol
Reads the information of file fff.sto generated by interaction stock name vol
and affects them to the volumes involved.
If edit is present commands and their values are displayed.
Save volumes
See: interaction write vol.
interaction radius
interaction radius
returns the picking radius.
interaction radius(r)
changes this radius.
interaction read
interaction read image(id)directory("d1;d2;...;dn;")
Does: read image(id)name("nnn.ima")bitmap(num)
num=0,1,...,nz-1 with nz=secz image(id).
Allows read big 3D image
one bitmap each frame from successive folders di.
Options:dim=n: if all images are not the same size (n is a 2 powers).
disk=n: reads only each n frame.
image(num,nb): nb = number of images for option memory=0 (5 by default).
memory: all images are loaded in memory (faster but needs more memory).
NP(np): np basic images are automatically generated (3 by default)
from the first directory.
var=num: invariable folder number num.
rand: random choice of images in a folder, else linear (by default).
period(p): repeats p times the reading of 3D images.
time(t): changes directory each t frame (250 by default, 10 seconds).
var=0: makes folders invariables.
var=1: makes folders variables again.
interaction read image directory
Returns number of folders, current folder's number,
current image number,
number of bitmaps, current bitmap number,
variable = 1: variable forlders (by default), 0: invariable forlders.
name: only current directory name.
interaction read image directory=num
num >= 0 : changes the current folder's number and makes it invariable.
num=-1: makes folders variables again.
interaction read image directory disk
Returns disk
interaction read image directory disk=n
Changes disk
interaction read image directory rand
Returns rand
interaction read image directory rand=r
Changes rand (r=1: random, r=0: linear)
interaction rota
interaction rota(f,v)vol(id)axis(x,y,z,v1,v2)
If volume id has a meta move property (volumes t,t+1,... are attached
to volume id by interaction move vol(t)vol(id)vertex(v)NP(nv)) then,
when dettached, tend to align the axis vertices (v1,v2) with axis (x,y,z) by mean of a torque (f,v).
interaction message
interaction message
Returns Buf_key
interaction message("ccc")
interaction message(0);
clear Buf_key.
interaction mouse
interaction mouse
message CONTINUE (green) and X (red) is displayed in the upper left of the screen, click on:
CONTINUE: advances one frame.
X: out of this interrupt mode.
interaction end mouse allows exit this mode by program.
col(r,g,b): text colour (r,g,b) (white default).
poi(x,y): displays in (x,y) (upper left corner by default).
frame(r,g,b): displays frame colour (r,g,b) (white default).
rectangle(r,g,b): displays rectangle colour (r,g,b) (white default).
validate: returns 1 if this mode is enabled, otherwise returns 0.
interaction move
interaction move vol(v2)vol(v1)vertex(v)NP(nv)
Volumes [v2,v2+nv-1] are displayed at positions vertex[v,v+nv-1]vol(v1) when
volume v1 is diplayed.
Internal property meta move is built
(dont change).
anc: anchorage
force(x,y,z): additional force.
interaction move vol(v1)=ind
Inhibits this fonctionnality for objet v2 index ind in [0,nv[ doing voli=0.
interaction stock
interaction stock edit
interaction stock edit(1): enables verbose mode for all commands interaction stock
interaction stock edit(0): inhibits this verbose mode.
interaction stock obj end
Stops the process interaction stock obj.
interaction stock image
Returns (im,ni,dni)
returns NIL when animation completed (allows testing the end).
yes stock is requiered.
interaction stock image number(im,ni,dni)
every dni (1 default) time the image is stored in image im++
abs: does not transform the dimensions in powers of 2 (for option dim(nx1,ny1,nx2,ny2)).
dim(nx1,ny1): the image is resized to (nx2,ny2) (screen dimensions by default)
(where (nx2,ny2) are powers of 2 closest nx1,ny1).
If the option abs is present nx2=nx1 and ny2=ny1.
name("Anum1.eee Bnum2.eee",n1,n1,num): every n1 images the files "Anum1.eee
and "Bnum2.eee are read and interpolated in images number num ... (1000000000 default) and used by the first
order animation process, then num1 and num2 are incremented.
Note: the field n1,n1 is required.
number("4D"im,ni): with 4 digits.
win(x1,y1,x2,y2): stores the window (x1,y1,x2,y2)
(screen size by default).
interaction end: stops the process of stocking.
It is recommended to choose (nx1,ny1) small enought to avoide memory overflow (for example 128).
The images stored can be viewed with command play
Or, out of interaction, by:
for(i=1,n){displ image(i)poi(0,0)normal;wait(1/25);}
interaction stock image number(im,ni,dni)name("nnn.eee")
every dni (1 default) time the image is stored in image file
abs: does not transform the dimensions in powers of 2 (for option dim(nx1,ny1,nx2,ny2)).
dim(nx1,ny1): the image is resized to (nx2,ny2) (screen dimensions by default)
(where (nx2,ny2) are powers of 2 closest nx1,ny1).
If the option abs is present nx2=nx1 and ny2=ny1.
number("4D",im,ni,dni): with 4 digits.
name("Anum1.eee Bnum2.eee",n1,n1,num): every n1 images the files "Anum1.eee
and "Bnum2.eee are read and interpolated in images number num ... (1000000000 default) and used by the first
order animation process, then num1 and num2 are incremented.
Note: the field n1,n1 is required.
number("4D"im,ni): with 4 digits.
win(x1,y1,x2,y2): stores the window (x1,y1,x2,y2)
(screen size by default).
interaction end: stops the process of stocking.
It is recommended to choose (nx1,ny1) small enought to avoide memory overflow (for example 128).
The images stored can be viewed with command play
Or, out of interaction, by:
for(i=1,n){displ image(i)poi(0,0)normal;wait(1/25);}
interaction stock device
interaction stock device(val)
After interaction stock device name
allows to save the value of sensor.
interaction stock device dim
Returns the size of records.
interaction stock device name
interaction stock(ni) device name("name")
Saves (in ascii) to each image, sensor values in file fff.cap, as well as interactive interventions (or CCC! Ccc)
in file fff.eff
command interaction stock device(val), called for every frame, actually stores the values val sensor in memory.
Files are written to the end of the animation, which is reached after ni calls, or is interrupted by interaction stock end.
To replay:
play device name("fff").
interaction stock device name("nn")module(m)
Starts the animation when the sensor module exceeds m (0.1 by default), which can automatically
calibrate any sensor, the animation when starting this one has a significant value.
interaction stock device name("nn")wait(t)
Starts the animation after t images (100 by default).
interaction stock device NP
Returns the number of animation frames.
interaction stock vol name
interaction stock(ni) vol name("name")
Stockes every image:
num: number of the volume
rx, ry, rz: rotations around axes
cx, cy, cz: dilatations along axes
a, xa, ya, za: rotation around axes (xa,ya,za)
interaction stock name("fff")vol(n1,n2,...)
Stores informations in file fff.sto (in binary) to end of animation,
which is reached after ni images.
to replay see play.
name file is:
fff.cap for device(val), sensor value.
fff.sto for device("vol"), informations about volumes.
interaction STOP
Exits interaction mode equivalent to no interaction).
interaction swap
Activates swap (default).
interaction texture
interaction texture("d1 d2,...,dn")
Builds object interaction texture name ("d1 d2,...,dn").
dim(nx,ny): resizing images
read(num): images read in [num,...]
rem: stoppes process
if interpol texture is active the buffers are periodically
read in directories ("d1 d2,...,dn"): allows manage many images which can't be
together in memory.
interaction time
interaction time(t)
restricts the duration of animation to t images t = 0 by default: eternal).
interaction time(t,e): si e=0 inhibiting the Esc key (avoids accidental return to keyboard mode).
interaction time(t,e,1): animate only after the message is displayed.
interaction time("s",t): exits interaction mode after t seconds.
interaction time("m",t): exits interaction mode after t minutes.
interaction time("h",t): exits interaction mode after t hours.
interaction pull
Activates the mode pull, every vertex of a volume pointed out
with the mouse will take this position.
limit(x1,y1,x2,y2): only vertices inside the frame (x1,y1,x2,y2), this frame
is displayed with color (r,v,b).
illum(r,v,b): frame color (white default).
Note: the picking radius may be changed by interaction radius.
interaction play
Plays the sequence memorized by interaction stock image(n1,n2).
end: stop the play.
normal(x,y): display the images at the left lower corner x,y (normalized between 0.0 and 1.0, 0.0,0.0 default).
number(num1,num2): images num1 to num2 (n1,n2 default).
period(p): frequency p images per second (25 default).
poi(x,y): images displayed at (x,y) (0,0 default) in screen coordinates.
interaction see
Switches tointeraction mode with yes see activated,
allows to interact with the keyboard, the text is displayed on the image (recommended mode in full screen).
Note: It is not recommended to run a demo in this mode
(possible conflicts between the interaction of the demo and see the interaction see).
Using the mouse
Bouton de right
Bouton du milieu
Moves x: changes the focal
Left button
Choice of parameters of a transformation::
Click on a vertex to designate an object, after choosing a transformation
(transition, rotx, roty, rotz, pull)
Right button
Acces to menu.
Using the menu
menu =>
If the interaction was initiated with the interaction menu option
interaction menu("f1 f2 ...")
first box is menu, click above to access the drop-down menus f1 f2 ....
Otherwise this box does not appear.
Back to keyboard mode.
Executes a command line entered to keyboard, in order to keep the hand just finish this line of control
by input.
Resets all flags.
Click left: moves eye according to (x,y)
Click left: rotates eye according to (x,y)
Click left: rotates eye according to (x,z)
Right view.
Front view.
Left view.
Behind view.
Above view.
Below view.
Left-click on a vertex of a volume: the displacement is measured by the displacement (x, y) of the mouse.
Left-click on a vertex of a volume: the x angle of rotation is measured by the displacement (x, y) of the mouse.
Left-click on a vertex of a volume: the y angle of rotation is measured by the displacement y of the mouse.
Left-click on a vertex of a volume: the z angle of rotation is measured by the displacement x of the mouse.
Click and drag a vertex by displacing the mouse, the input range is given by radius.
This transformation switches to no pers mode,
reset returns yes pers mode.
memory =>
Stores the rotation transformations
rotx: x rotation
roty: y rotation
rotz: z rotation
x,y,z,an: Quaternion
Special characters
Esc exits interaction mode (except if interaction has been launched with interaction option
interaction time(0,0)).
[ asleep interaction.
] wakes interaction.
!com: executes the command com.
Example: !cube(1);ball(2): builds a cube and a ball.
<ccc: pass ccc to interaction ascii.
See also: