Returns the current point coordinates.
Chnages this point.
poi anc
poi(num)anc vol(id)
Returns the anchored point num of volume id.
poi audio
Returns the samples [n1,n2] of object audio id type
Changes those samples.
poi brush
poi brush(id)
Returns the position (x,y) of the programmable brush id.
poi brush(id)=x,y
Changes this position if close brush(id) = 1.
It is possible to define several positions, a paintbrush will appear identical in each.
poi(p) brush(id)=x,y,z
Changes this point.
poi dim
draws the perspective of the 3D point (x, y, z)wide d.
poi ext
Returns y=w(x), when w is a 3D polygonal line of extension (n,c).
poi follow
poi follow vol(id)
Returns the coordinates of vertex follow of volume id.
poi follow vol(id)=x,y,z
Changes those coordinates.
poi generate
poi(n)generate vol(id)
Returns the coordinates of the point n of the generation of volume id.
Volume id must have a ext property,
generate vol(id)ext must have been done,
or frac and generate vol(id)frac
have been done.
Returns the position of the current window.
poi win(id)
Returns the position of the window id.
poi win(id)=x,y
Changes the position of window id.
poi lead
poi follow vol(id)
Returns the coordinates of vertex lead of lead of volume id.
poi leadvol(id)=x,y,z
Changes those coordinates.
poi line
poi(x) line(w)
Returns y=w(x), lwhen w is a 3D polygonal line.
poi matrix
poi(s) matrix vol(id)
Returns the point s of volume id transormed by its matrix.
poi menu("MEN")
Returns the points list of menu MEN.
poi menu("MEN")=x1,y1, x2,y2,...
Changes these points.
The listis of the form {xai,yai,xbi,ybi}0 < i < n (n = number of boxes).
xai,yai,xbi,ybi = coordinates of top-left corner and bottom right corner of the box i.
poi mesage(id)
Returns the position (x,y) of upper left corner of message id.
poi mesage(id)=x,y
Changes this position.
poi obj
poi obj(id)
Returns the coordinates of point of the
object id.
matrix: taking into account anchorage and
matricial transformations of object id.
poi obj(id)=x,y,z
Changes these points.
poi(num) obj(id)
Returns the coordinates of point num de of object obj id.
poi(num) obj(id)=x,y,z
Changes this point.
poi(0) obj(id)=x,y,z
Adds the point (x,y,z) to object id of type obj.
poi mouse
Returns the coordinates (xs,ys) in the frame of the mouse
(origin the upper left corner of the screen and dimensions those maximum screen)
of point (xa, ya) in the anyflo frame.
poi(xs,ys)mouse inv
Returns the coordinates (xa,ya) in the anyflo frame of point (xs,ys) in the mouse frame.
Note: these coordinates are identical if the two systems are the same.
poi scale
Returnes the coordinates of the right upper corner of the last
scale: allows chaining scalkes..
poi screen
poi screen vol(id)
Returns the screen coordinates of points of volume id.
see also: generate poi screen vol(id)
poi see
poi see
Returns the coordinates (x1,y1,x2,y2) of the window see corner.
poi see=x1,y1,x2,y2
Chnages these coordinates.
poi(num): point number num (=1 ou 2).
See also: