ini alea
ini alea
Regenerates the random table with the current dimension (change in envb.h)
ini alea(n)
Refreshes the random table with n random floating between 0.0 and 1.0
ini attach
Resets the attach flag.
Can be invoked in case of error on attach displ ....
ini audio
audio ini(n)
Opens a window with audio analysis of 2^n bytes (n=8 by default).
This frequency can be retrieved by dim audio.
abs: DirectX resets all audio buffers which are destroyed
(eg audio read command returns numbers from 0).
limit(l1,l2): law and high pass filter (between 0.0 and 1.0).
rand(r): extract relevant information from a noisy signal (r
between 0.0 and 1.0, r=0.25 is a good value).
rand(r,c): the amplitude of the signal is multiplied by c (between 0.0 and 1.0,
0.5 is a good value).
rand(r,c,e): the amplitude of the signal is raised to the power e
(1 by default).
Note: ini audio does not remove all objects type audio,
to do so: rem audio.
ini col
Restores the current color to its default value (1,1,1).
ini cut
Initializes cut to its default value (10.32000) changed the command 'cut' in file komb.h
ini foc
Initializes the focus of the current view to its default value (1) value changed to the
command 'foc' in file komb.h
ini back
Restores the background color to its default value (0,0,0.75) editable
commande ´back´ of file komb.h
ini font
ini font
Initializes the fonte to the default 9_BY_15
and renitialises dimensions of all the fonts to their default values.
ini font("fff")
Resets the size of the font "fff" to their default values.
ini aim
Initializes the aim direction of current view to its default value (0,0,0) position changed at the command
´aim´ du fichier komb.h
ini graphic
Redefines the number one single window full screen
Note: can be utlise if display bug.
ini interaction
Equivalent to:
interaction animate(0)
interaction screen(1)
interaction write(0)
ini light
Deletes all lights and creates default light number 1
(white and located -750, -500, -1000 (editable to command 'poi' in file komb.h)
ini lut
Initializes linearly the lutlook up table.
ini matrix
ini matrix vol(id)
Resets the matrice of volume id.
ini menu
Destroys all menus.
It is advisable to call this command before any description of a menu.
ini message
Deletes all messages.
ini obj
Deletes all
objets type obj.
ini fog: deletes all fogs.
ini field: deletes all fields.
ini scale: deletes all genetics.
ini image: deletes all images.
ini law: deletes all lois.
ini light: deletes all lights and creates light 1 ny default.
ini memory: deletes all memories.
ini menu: deletes all menus.
ini message: deletes all messages.
ini object: deletes all objects.
ini brush: deletes all brushes.
ini network: deletes all
neural networks.
ini vol: deletes all volumes.
ini view: deletes all views and creates view 1 by defaultt.
ini eye
Initializes the eye of the current view to its default value (0.0, -1000)
change to the command 'eye' of file komb.h
ini device
ini("FIC") name("fic") device(id)
The driver is named fic and writes a file fic.dat
ini("MEM") name("nnn") device(id)
Mémoire partagée id de nom nnn.
ini("COM") name("COMn") device(id)
Serial port n.
ini("SOC") name("host") device(id) [time(w)] [char] [float]
Socket on the host machine running a server.
w: waiting loop.
char: character mode (default).
float: float mode (the string passed by the socket is decoded floating).
See also:
edit device
end device
ini roll
Initializes roll of the current view to its default value (0)
change the command ´roll´ in file komb.h
ini mouse
Must be invoked once before a series of mouse dist(d),
and before dynamic capture (initialization clock).
ini stock
Deletes all stock.
ini system
Initializes the list stacking commands.
1) Do only if bug.
2) edit system allows viewing the commands stack.
ini type
Deletes all types dynamiques.
ini see
switches yes see and reinitialises the default parameters of
ini view
Deletes all views and creates default view number 1.
ini view(id)
Initializes the view id to default.
Note:: if the view id does not exist, it is created.
ini zbuf
Initializes the z buffer according displ:
displ = 1: OpenGL, makes a plane glClear depths.
displ = 2: soft display according zbuf
zbuf=1: 16 bits.
zbuf=2: 32 bits.
See also: