How to develop an application in anyflo language
language, close to C but less restrictive, can develop rapidly
interactive graphics applications by conventional programming.
By downloading
applications applications you get complete examples
of complex programmes written in anyflo showing, among other things, how to build a human body,
how to use various sensors, how to generate neural networks and genetic algorithmes and how to use them.
How to make communicate several anyflos
On the same machine
On multiple machines
On the same machine
The easiest way is through
shared memory.
Example: click on
launching 4 anyflos in different windows:
WshShell.Run("anyflo.exe env=env ima=ima1 lan=\"shared_memory_serveur()\" x=420 y=300 orx=0 ory=0");
WshShell.Run("anyflo.exe env=env ima=ima1 lan=\"shared_memory_help()\" x=420 y=300 orx=0 ory=380");
WshShell.Run("anyflo.exe env=env ima=ima1 lan=\"shared_memory_client1()\" x=420 y=300 orx=440 ory=0");
WshShell.Run("anyflo.exe env=env ima=ima1 lan=\"shared_memory_client2()\" x=420 y=300 orx=440 ory=380");
calling respectively functions:
On multiple machines
Use sockets
TCP or
How to link with anyflo
Functions by default
Particular functions
Functions written in C language
Functions by default
Default basic operations (such as perspective, illumination calculations, mappings, textures, ...)
are handled automatically by the program, the user is limited to provide parameters to algorithms "wired" in the software.
But among these parameters include the ability to pass function names (anyflo written language)
to be executed instead of these algorithms.
Particular functions
Ces exemples ne fonctionneront que lorsque le type
2 d´affichage aura été implémenté.
Exemple 1: Mise en perspective
Remplace l´algorithme de
projection perspective conique par celui décrit dans la fonction de nom toto.
Une telle fonction contiendra:
p1=poi; /* Affecte à la variable p1 les coordonnées 3D du point traité */
p2=fonction(p1); /* Calcul par l´utilisateur de la perspective de p1 */
validate pers(p2); /* Passe la valeur ainsi calculée au programme */
Exemple 2: Texture
LIBRE vol(1)="toto";
Affecte au volume 1 la LIBRE 3D décrite dans la fonction de nom toto.
Une telle fonction contiendra:
p1=poi; /* Affecte à la
variable p1 les coordonnées 3D du point traité */
k1=col; /* Affecte à la
variable k1 la couleur du point traité */
n1=normal; /*Affecte à la
variable n1 la normal au point traité*/
k2=fonction(p1,k1,n1); /* Calcul par l´utilisateur de la nouvelle couleur */
col(k2); /* Passe la valeur ainsi calculée au programme */
1) Construire une ball et lui affecter une LIBRE 3D procédurale:
ini ini vol;
/* Initialise les flags, supprime tous les volumes */
/* Construit une ball de radius 100 et de 12parallèles */
illum vol 1=3,1;
/* Modèle de PHONG */
LIBRE vol(1)="toto";
/* Texture procédurale */
2) Écrire la fonction de LIBRE toto:
p=poi ;
/* p = point affiché */
/* Coordonnées absolues du point */
/* Calculer la couleur en fonction des coordonnées */
/* Affecter la couleur */
3) Afficher:
yes illum LIBRE;
/* Valider les flags */
screen;displ vol;
/* Afficher */
Functions written in C language
How to link anyflo
utilb.c located in the directory utilb.c anyflo
provides an interface to the C programming language with trivial examples.
Just change some of these functions, compile and link (executable named
anyflo.exe is then built):
UNIX: do <>make in the directory of the environment.
WIDOWS: launch Visual C++ and click on
Open Workspace, click on
anyflo.dsw in anyflo.
Warning: anyflo was developed in Visual C + + version 6.0 and can only be changed
with this version of the compiler. All files *. C modifiable are located in the folder
Example 1: managing interaction
Functions _F_0(), _F_1(), _F_2(), _F_3(), _F_4() and _F_5() of file utilb.c
double functions
interaction func(i,"fi"), they are executed in the following order:
Example 2: adds commandes or new application
EVALUER_2(long *pd0, long *pd_eg, long *suite, long *end)
of file
pd0 ->coding command line.
pd_eg: ->
if assignment.
[suite, end]: is a free buffer.
Add commands
in file initb.h are the names of files describing environments:
enva.h,koma.h,mesa.h for interpreter.
envb.h,komb.h,mesb.h for anyflo.
We can add more:
1) Create files:
envc.h containing the application-specific initializations
komc.h containing descriptions of commands added
mesc.h containing the messages transmitted by the application
defc.h containing the defines
(practically command names in uppercase)
2) Change the function EVALUER_2 () File utilb.c there in encoding processing of these commands
Given to add the command:
1) Change komc.h:
|0: com0
2) Change function EVALUER_2() of file utilb.c.
Link a program written in C with the interpreter
In file
initb.h are the names of files describing environments:
enva.h,koma.h,mesa.h for the interpreter.
envb.h,komb.h,mesb.h for anyflo.
If we replace the environment anyflo
by another
we will link any application to the interpreter.
For that do:
1) Create files:
envc.h containing the application-specific initializations
komc.h containing descriptions of commands added
mesc.h containing the messages transmitted by the application
defc.h containing the defines
(practically command names in uppercase)
glbc.h containing declarations and global variables to include in the file application.c containing main ()
extc.h containing references to global variables and included in all application files
initc.c containing function initb
With * argv pointing strings of argc launch parameters.
In this function all initializations are performed:
exec.c containing function EVALUER_1()
How to exchange information between a C program and anyflo
This will be the case, for example, the driver of a sensor (camera, motion capture, KINET, etc. ..).
The simplest is to go through the shared memory (on the same machine) or by
TCP or UDP sockets (on several machines or a network).
We find, for example, the source (very simple) mem_part.c
a driver can operate indifferently as a server or customer it may very well be anyflo.
Be found in the distribution file:
mem_part.exe: serveur executable
envoyant des caractères
mem_part.js on which you must click to launch the driver.
driver.js launching anyflo file that reads and executes the function
driver.func: the characters typed in the server window appear on the screen.
WARNING: only one MEM simple device type can be declared.
How chaining several applications
Just call interaction func(6,"F6")
with function:
with file prog.js of the form:
function f()
var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
WshShell.Run("anyflo.exe env=env lan=\"prog()\"");
the same method cane be used in function prog.func for chaining
an other program prog2, and so on.